
If I remember correctly the old version of Mortal Kombat from when I was a kid had super violent "finishing" moves like electrocution & beheading. I'm pretty sure as a kid I would mash the buttons until I accidentally got the special finishing move. That series of games has always been really violent. Let's no read

I'm an ovo-lacto vegetarian. I have been for about 20 years. Not for health reasons. Ethical reasons. I'm a big ol softie for animals. Anywhoo...I do eat eggs & dairy, but I just don't like the taste of milk. I'll use it to make mashed potatoes & mac & cheese or just enough to get my cereal damp or a splash in my

The only sensible thing out of that info was to eat sea vegetables. They are actually really good for you from what I know. The other stuff sounfs wacky.

Thank you for refreshing my memory. I'm pretty sure you are totally correct. Maybe this makes me a bad person, but I think that episode was fucking epic amazing awesome sauce galore! Just saying. I used to fucking love that show. Total guilty pleasure lol.

Every guy I've ever had sex with has gone down on me even the guys who claimed they didn't do that. They all do it. At least if they wanna have sex with me they will be going down.

Cheaters was one of my favorite shows ever!!! Also I'm pretty sure you're correct someone got stabbed & it was kinda epic. Maybe that makes me a bad person. Maybe I don't give a fuck. Just saying.

I'm from North Andover MA & most unfortunately I was forced to move back to my parents house in North Andover in June after 10+ years living in my apartment in Salem NH. Thanks for the recommendations :)

Name names yo. I live 20 minutes north of Boston. Help a girl out over here.

Fung Wah iwas always a fucking adventure lol. All my friends used to take the Fung Wah from Boston to NYC to go to raves all the time & they were always smoking dust blunts in the back of the bus or sniffing Special K the whole ride home or worse all the way to NYC before the party lol. Good times. You can do anything

Stop trying to make fetch happen! Lol

The male equalivate a "basic bitch" is called a "bro".

Thot & rachet have not only crossed over, but are beingbeing over used to the point where my eyeballs automatically roll if either term is used in any non-ironic way. Just saying.

I was actually thinking about how this term is being used in my social circles (if that's what you want to call it lol). I've been going to parties (that's what raves are called by people who have been regularly going to raves for several years) for 13 years. I've been hearing or rather seeing the term "basic bitch"

Sounds like my last bf minus the shamrock tatts (he's Italian/Sicilian), awful temper, anger management problem, suspended license, super racist, but always says he has "lotslots of black friends & lives in Dorchester which is a neighborhood populated mostly by people of color, raging blackout alcoholic, pathological

Incorrect. That was Quinn's cover story to convince Finn he was the father when she had actually cheated on him with Puck while drunk on winecoolers.