
Belcalis Almanzar

It’s growing on me, but this guy did the song justice with a better beat:

I can’t breathe.

Jesus I’m guilty of at least 2 of these! But Bodak Yellow knocks.

“You sleep on beds with no top sheets. Just mattress and comforter. And not because you can’t afford sheets. But because you’re just triflin’.”

I imagined this was Dustin shade in my head.

A woman I worked with kept trying to get me to try her yogurt. First off, I’ve taken microbiology... do not share your half-eaten food with me you goddamn germ factory. Second, yogurt’s a liquid. A fucking liquid. You don’t share liquid food with someone that you wouldn’t share a toothbrush with. That is NEVER

Like, I’m pretty sure you’re plotting against me right now so I’m looking at you crazy.

Did anyone else just black out and picture themselves sitting on hard ass wooden pews while soulful organ music plays in the background?

Amen. This was too real—even trill, some might say. Though the use of song lyrics had me dying.

You let him travel...just let him travel.

The passport/Hawaii question reminded me of a coworker than turned on his out of office to say he’d be traveling abroad, out of the country to Puerto Rico. I don’t know if abroad was intended like say in the sense of Italy or France abroad or if he meant leaving the states that are united together. Man did we have a

When I was younger and working at the Dollar Tree, I got the same 2 dumb ass questions everyday. 1. Do you work here? *asked as I’m standing behind the register in an apron and name Tage emblazoned with DOLLAR TREE and my personal favorite 2. How much is this? 😠😠😠

“think it through”

“Do you have a minute?”

Dumb questions I get everyday at work.....

10. You see suspicious white people 

This immediately made me think of southern white people.

FOLLOW ME! I’m tired of this Kinja shit.

Me thinks the writers of The Root and VSB are tiiiiirrrrrreeeeedddddd of #uselesswhites Hopefully the ones that are reading the columns get it. SMH

In the grand scheme of mega church celebrity pastors Osteen is, relatively speaking, less awful than some.