
Just wondering, does a glitch like this help you escape from cops for a short period of time?

I'm surprised no one has posted this yet.

Being Taiwanese, I always root for our own homegrown company HTC. It is actually the only quality looking Android phone out there (personal opinion). Few things I have against it though. First of all, the Beats Audio on the back. Please tell me that there is a way to remove that ugly branding! Secondly, I've heard

I'm starting to think that's exactly how I feel. I own both an iPad and an iPhone. But the two are way too similar. I'm almost exactly doing the same things on my iPad and my iPhone but just a bigger screen. I've been trying to get a desktop feel with my iPad, but I just can't get it to. I do feel that Android has the

How long did your previous Android last before you changed to HTC One? What phone was it?

Damn. I thought you guys hired her...

I have actually gone through years and years of jailbreaking and modding on my iPhone 4 and guess what? Still using the same phone, but deleted almost every modification I did to my phone. Hear me out.
I have jailbroken every firmware there was for my iPhone 4 and saved every SHSH blobs, installed expensive features

I had my neighbor come over to my place to trade cards with my brothers and me, every time we traded out a rare card, I'd go behind him to "look at his cards" and take my card back. Oops! But hey, I did invite him over to my birthday parties.

whatever. my charizard is worth way more

best part: "2 seconds later a hawk swooped down...and grabbed him for lunch".

That is actually the problem for the home button hardware itself. I had problems similar to yours and I tried calibrating, cleaning, everything other than spending money to get my button working again. But in the end, I went to a local iPhone fixing store and had a new one swapped in for $15, there hasn't been once

beamapp won't send pictures, just text and continue playing songs.

does it ever get on your nerves to have two copies of the same game in your collection? it would for me...

When I'm home, the battery doesn't really matter for me (it's 9:00pm, not going anywhere else tonight). When I'm out though, it's almost never on. The reason why it's on tonight is because where I live, there's currently a typhoon, and I need my weather forecast to be constantly updating.
With a jailbroken iPhone, I

I recently deleted most of my apps in one day, leaving only three apps on the main screen. (Study is an app that I just downloaded, helps me study) Honestly, I love it. This concept was actually on trial period for me because I didn't actually delete the apps but rather put them all away in a folder on a separate

my thoughts exactly.

Trent, I don't recommend your first tip at all. I understand that not going to the supermarket keeps the costs down and reduces the urge to buy other things. BUT, it shouldn't be encouraged.

i actually agree to this. "go as long as you can between grocery visits"? thats not a healthy tip to follow, this shouldn't even be encouraged, but it's the first one on the list. In any case, this tip just comes down to saving money. When you need certain nutrients from certain foods, you can't substitute those with

but an ambigram of the word water would be pretty cool