to be more accurate, you read the phrase from the right first. So it goes:
"Let God play games on them" The characters 整理 does mean to organize, but not necessarily in this context.
"Kill them all." Pretty straight forward.
Funny thing is, there's no art in this. Its a typed out font from the computer, AND it's…
firefly is right. "An" is a really common character in people's names for peace.
will i find pocahontas? >:D
My dad's midlife crisis purchase. We have a friend who specifically 'tailors' hi end speakers for the shape and size of the living room for the optimum sound. He pulls the two bad boys out to the middle whenever he wants to listen to music. The two mahogany boxes on the left are super low bass (i think?). A sony TV to…
same here brotha. same here.
this is really nice! could you share?
i really gotta stop using safari...
wow. your setup looks really organized! do you mind uploading a picture of your desk and the things you have on it? been trying to reorganize my desk for a while, but can't seem to decide on what I should be investing/purchasing (usb hub etc).
in asian military, we hang up mosquito nets before we sleep. I've always had a fan blowing right at me, and whenever i woke up in the morning, there would be a 5-10 mosquitoes stuck on the net.
From an asian family, I absolutely LOVED our carpet, especially those heavy padded ones. I could roll around, do handstands etc without worrying about falling hard. What I don't get is: why do caucasians walk around their carpeted homes with shoes on? Whenever my caucasian friends come to my house, they don't bother…
my first phone as well, aka the butterfly phone in my country. such a beautiful phone from nokia... went everywhere to find interchangeable skins (top casings) for that phone.
although this ISN'T the solution to anything, it always helps to create goodie bags from about 10ppl+ around where you sit. this definitely starts off people's trip with a more positive attitude towards you and your kid (raising their "i can't stand this kid" threshold), but it doesnt mean you dont have to do any of…
id like to see millions of all different kinds of ants crawling over it.
i honestly think nokia should just remain in the dumbphone business, and try to make their phone battery last as long as possible. color screen or not, doesnt really matter. I know a lot of people are still looking to buy old nokia phones that are no longer in production because they can last 4+ days on normal usage…
LOL. hearted
"daughters of bitches" -corrections
i hope some dude stranded on an island in the middle of the ocean made good use of this big ass plank