
Who knew ‘punch a Nazi’ may fire back...

Challenger is lately challenging Mustang’s dominance of crowd plowing.

black parents? That’s not even a thing anymore! Black [single] monther is way more common.

“Tell me that I am wrong when I tell my niece and nephew to assume that the white person they are dealing with is racist and to protect themselves ”

Deserves COTD

So, already in high school, she thinks the world is out to get her, because of her oh-so-special skin color. This idiot will not succeed in life.

Camping spots pictured there go for $40/night. Can’t afford if not employed full time.

Average Miles Per-Week: Less than 100

“because Afghanistan is actually in a much worse state than you remember”

Just quit, Megan. Today.

“Why would municipalities pay more for the EV?”

As they say “Asian or 80" :D

Thought process: “Electric is clean, environmentally friendly and forward thinking. I’ll do my part to save the world.”

“Ouch, that there is some great assembly isn’t it”

Interesting. Poor guy provided 50% of genetic material, for 33% stake.

“this was and still is a street execution”

Get ready to be called a racist :)

“baby I carried had a death sentence on his head”

“ blatantly racist psychopath” - hard to take you seriously after this.

“get arrested with multiple weapons in his car yet he managed to come away with no bullets fired into body”