
Something people aren’t considering is that as time goes by there’s only going to be more competition on Twitch and other sites with monetization programs like YouTube. The people who started 5 years ago definitely had to work to get where they are now, but if they had started today it could take even longer for them

This is shovel envy, nothing more. Yeah, it sucks that people had to work hard to get bonuses, but that’s because Twitch had a really high barrier to entry. This isn’t anything other than gatekeeping + “Hey, I worked hard for this, so you should have to too, even though it’s an arbitrary difficulty!”

Okay, I am not gonna say streaming isn’t a real job, but you do realize that describes almost every job ever, don’t you? Most of us are doing all of the things you just mentioned, for a fraction of the money and none of the fame.

Try taking a 48 hour break from your job as say... a lawyer or a doctor and see if you still have a job after that.

Also... 8 - 10 hours a day. That’s an easy day for most professionals.

Hold on, let me find my tiny fiddle to play for the guy that lost $80,000 a month in income for playing games online in front thousands of fans. Oh darn, I don’t have time because I also have a full time job that doesn’t pay nearly as well, requires being at the office for 50-60 hours a week plus an extra 10 or so

Asshole gamers do this so much then those incels wonder why the only female interaction they get is from the Dead or Alive Beach Volleyball body pillow they imported. What purpose does it serve to be an asshole like this over a video game, other than just to be an asshole?

Damn. Siege was pretty friendly back when it came out.

Convince game companies to actually punish people for saying shit like this. Like zero tolerance policies. You do this even once perma-banned.

It’s almost as of calling someone an asshole and saying their game is dumb in a public forum that is set up to be seen by fans of that product is a bad way to bring up your concerns...