
Well, so I’m tending bar up there at the Land of Always Winter last Tuesday and this little guy’s drinking and he says, “So where can a guy find some action? I’m goin’ crazy out there at the frozen lake.” And I says, “What kind of action?” And he says, “Dragon action. What do I look like?” And I says, “Well what do I

Yeah I'm pretty sure that's a common dream. "OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T BEEN TO CLASS ALL SEMESTER AND I'M GOING TO FAIL, WHY DID I NEVER GO TO CLASS!" *wakes up* "Oh thank God, I'm an old man with a thankless job.... send me back to my nightmare, please."

I had the same reaction to the decisions of how to handle the spiders. I was like, so, you’re just going to let them slowly die in that panic room? Can’t you like pump in some gas so they can die peacefully and quickly?

Also, it would be nice to have a platonic female-male relationship that didn’t end in romance.

Oh yeah get out of here with that “SJW” crap. The companions are great, the character stuff was good, it’s just the overall plot was a bit wanting this time around.

If you haven't noticed, this isn't exactly a subtle moment in history we're living in.  I have no problem with people shouting loud enough to be heard by the dipshits in the back of the class.

Luke is back. Yay. Sleep deprivation here i come...

Being well paid doesn’t make the government kidnapping and abusing children any less horrifying. Wealthy (at least most of them) are also capable of empathy and compassion.

Gosh, and I was going to say that studying the Cultural Revolution in China gave me a greater understanding of why people submit to a brutal dictatorship. Should have played video games instead.

I was mad at Nick in that scene, but then it occurred to me that they’re playing it in a valid way. He’s the guy who is in a relationship but completely checked out emotionally. A young guy who can’t or doesn’t want to be responsible for her feelings, so he becomes distant and mean and hopes that she’ll eventually

Matching the show with real life (albeit Comment section real life), this episode seemed like a direct response to the discussion of rape from last week’s comment section.

Oh this show. Everything you said in your review about it is absolutely accurate. It’s excellent and I can’t get enough of it but it’s way too brutal sometimes. June’s rape and her reunion and separation from Hannah was really tough to watch. I saw the featurette after the episode, where it was mentioned that the

oooooooh boy. Ok. Here goes.

That you, Fred?

I was feeling something similar, or that it would be possible that Serena would lose her shit and destroy the society she helped create. I got so used to absolutely hating her character it’s hard to fathom not continuing the process. Either way Yvonne plays the hell out of the character.

I’ve been puzzling over whether the Commander’s inefficacy as a character is due to the writing, the acting, or both. Raise the Red Lantern, an amazing foreign language film about the four wives of a wealthy man in 1920s China. Like Handmaid’s, it’s the women and the dynamics between them that drive the story, and

I never should have left my teenage wasteland.