
I think this piece is by Edayan, who was kind of like Bengus' understudy. He did most of the Rival Schools art. Great designer, but at this point in time his draftsmanship wasn't up to par with Bengus.

Square's always been really great about having female leads in their games, so this seems like a good match of developer and publisher.

Oh wow. Thanks for this great resource!

Awesome! I love Chad's art! I've been a big fan since I first saw this amazing Silent Hill piece:

The Drawing for this piece is by longtime Udon artist Alvin Lee. Chad Walker did the colors. I think this was the official "box art" for the digital release of Final Fight.

Someone else already suggested this, but I think it'd be really rad if you did a feature on Gammon's art. He has a ton of great game art in his portfolio. I especially love his Capcom stuff. It's rare to see someone combine such excellent craftsmanship with a weird sense of humor like this!

This is a really good idea!

Rival Schools art was mostly by Edayan, who was basically Bengus' understudy. Edayan was also the character designer on Monster Hunter and the Phoenix Wright games.

A lot of companies pay for their high scores. Or they threaten to pull advertising support if the periodical doesn't review their games favorably. A lot of publishers actually have contracts that demand that their developers produce a game that hits a certain metacritic score, or else they get paid less.

Killer is

Oh man, thank you! LP2 is severely underrated. One of the best co-op games of this generation.

Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is one of the strangest most visually striking and original comics I've ever read:

Wow, good point, that didn't even cross my mind. That's kind of sad! I hope this post reaches anyone who might think that.

The Fox women in Muramasa were also well endowed and also the main magic users in that game. This is completely consistent across all Vanillaware games!


Great analysis! Your well researched, informative, celebratory approach is much appreciated. Keep it up! Make love not snark!

At different points in time Zelda has been a Ninja, Wizard and Pirate. The idea that she's only a one dimensional damsel in distress is long outdated and ignores the way she's been portrayed for the last decade.…

Hahaha genius exchange between you and HokutoAndy!

One of the coolest, heavily armored characters ever, male or female: