
During the summer of 2012 I was recovering from a bad bicycle accident and spent most of my days watching television. The Summer Olympics were on and I would normally settle in and watch whatever was on. During this portion of the recovery process my days would involve chewing up pain pills (Norco) as frequently as

This is up there with another accidentally brilliant quote by our country’s greatest philosopher:


Shots: 0 | Corner kicks: 1 | Possession: 37% to 68%

Then I’m not being clear in what I’m trying to say - in no way am I excusing the US nor would I ever take anything away from Argentina. Far from it. This was a criticism of the US attitude. The US was never going to win this game. They got beat to a pulp. They didn’t even get a fucking shot in the entire game. This

That’s all fine and dandy ... to toss a movie reference out there: when the shit hits the fan some guys run and some guys stay. He fucking ran. This game was huge for the USMNT and they got run out of town in one of the most shameful ways possible.

Did Dempsy contribute when it mattered most? Did he step up? If you think he did then you’re a typical American soccer fan that doesn’t know shit about the game. All he did was act like a fucking tool out there. Cut him and cut him now.

After that? Fuck no. Dempsy is a hack that gave in when the pressure was on. He quit when his team needed him the most. Three goals against who, exactly? Top caliber teams? Fucking hardly. He’s done and he’s only going to keep getting worse.

That was flat-out embarrassing. The team should be ashamed of themselves for that showing. They quit. They fucking quit. Dempsy was the worst of the bunch. Bradley was insultingly awful. Yes, they got beat in every aspect of the game, but that attitude they had is in-fucking-excusable. I’m actually angry about this

Man, this shit just eats you up, doesn’t it? Bitter losers always find excuses. Your team took a big fat shit and couldn’t hang. Maybe they were too busy planning the parade? Maybe they were too busy calling LeBron a bitch? Maybe the they were too busy wondering if the Cleveland visitor’s locker room still smelled

Great teams don’t let themselves get into positions where questionable officiating contributes to the outcome. And something tells me that if questionable officiating benefited the Warriors you wouldn’t be bitching.

“Seems” doesn’t mean “is” there, slick. As in, “it would seem like the Warriors are the best team in the NBA”.

Wow! You sure showed me! LeBron said it therefore it MUST be true!

I suppose it’s “bad officiating” that led to LeBron taking a historic shit all over the Warriors (and to Curry completely choking during the last 3 games)?

A great team doesn’t allow itself to be put in a position where “bad officiating” can be used as an excuse. All the other conspiracy theory b.s. ...whatever helps you sleep at night.

Dinner is served, Warriors. How is it? Bitter?

Not this year, buddy. Time to cancel that parade permit I’m sure they already had in place.

Now all that shit talking makes them look even worse. Cry baby? Bitch? NBA motherfuckin’ Champion, more like it. How do those tears taste, GSW fans? Are they bitter?

How in the hell does Zardes start? That guy has to have one of the absolute worst touches I’ve ever seen on a starting forward.

was doing my undergraduate at Chico State during this time and loved watching the Kings play. Peja was always my favorite.