Retail is dying. In its place, “wellness” is rising like a taut phoenix who does Tracy Anderson and cleanses her…
Retail is dying. In its place, “wellness” is rising like a taut phoenix who does Tracy Anderson and cleanses her…
Oh, get a grip. OP is just making remark that she (?) can’t see herself dating someone that much older or younger, but if it works for them, great.
I didn’t say anything about consent, or about judgement. I simply said I can’t see it for _me_, and if it works for them, great.
God this one hits hard. I grew up with that show and I adored Alan Thicke as the father. I can’t imagine what his poor son is going through, having to watch all that happen first hand.
I need to be in America now so I can go hug my dad.
I believe it’s a matter of finding a supplier of morphine that would agree that it be used for lethal injections (most medical suppliers won’t sell things to kill people that are usually used to help people for obvious reasons). Hence, why most lethal injections are “cocktails” of various drugs that the US prison…
What a ghastly little chap you are.
Alas, too late I hereby introduce you to the concept of “don’t be a dick.”
Was that really necessary? I guess blatant ageism is ok.
Christ almighty you’re an unnecessarily nasty person.
lena dunham: I’m the victim here! Me! Me!
Fuck you Susan. Have a nice roll in your cash as you watch us poor women go bankrupt then die from cancer.
Omg, yes fuck you Susan Sarandon. I hope you enjoy clinging to your ideological purity while Trump guts this country and drags us back to 1851 or whenever he believes America was great before.
My boyfriend’s longest best friend is his ex girlfriend. I wasn’t cool with it when we started dating but i’ve gotten to know her and we are all good friends. Sometimes, getting to know the ex (plus why it didn’t work out) helps assuage any worries
That’s interesting because I’m also totally cool with being friends with my girlfriend’s exes as long as they don’t contact me or her or look at me or her or exist on Earth.
Save your outrage for things that deserve it.
One can hardly be faulted for misspelling a name that is itself a tortured spelling.
So Kim Kardashian is “white” now? Uh-uh.
Clearly not actually bad enough to cancel so... your point?
I love the show, personally. I also think Breaking Bad was a turd of a show. Do I yell about it every time there is an article about BB? No! Because really, no one cares.
Cue a million comments complaining about how bad the show is!