
He probably only ever sees playboy bunnies, so that might be why.

I was more offended that he thought women’s bodies could magically shut down pregnancies than I was of his use of the term “legitimate rape.” He was on the Committee on Science, Space and Technology too. *face palm*

That is such an interesting and cool fact about animals! I never knew any of that!

Ever since I found out that research studies have shown purring to reduce healing time of inflammation and broken things, every time my cat purrs I try to shove all my most recent problem bits (usually my feet, I get a lot of inflammation there) right next to him, trying to steal his purr magic. My cat thinks its

my kitty woke me up early this morning crashing some pots off a wall shelf ugh. i love her so much but she can be a real asshole waking me up sometimes. :)

Ha! Yes, and daylight savings always messed up my previous cats. I’m sure it’ll happen to these two in a month.

The power of the purr is real! My kittens are starting to get into the routne on Saturday mornings of understanding I’m going to sleep in. So they go play in the living room early and then come back in a bit later and just flat out lay all over me purring until I’m ready to get up. I love Caturday!

Yes to healing power of purr! Feel better soon!

My cat is wonderful in many ways, but he is also an asshole. I feel cruddy, and when I got up to pee, he snuggled on my pillow and is now giving me a half-lidded look that says, “You will suffer horribly if you move me from this spot.” And because I am ridiculous, I am contemplating trying to bribe him out of my spot

Sometimes I wish for a cold so I can have an excuse to lie around and not do anything.

Feel better soon. :)

Definitely stealing cuddleslut.

heh, cuddleslut. I’m gonna use that one.

She isn’t waking you up at 0420 for pets... ;-)

Honestly, it’s probably because I’m getting old but I am so, so tired of music videos that centre on revenge murders. Hurting and killing people is not cute or sexy, no matter what they’ve done. Rihanna’s BBHMM was worse than this and that’s all I can say about it. And I love Lorde. I love the song. I love the pretty,

“As you wish, madame.”

Uh because she was condescending as shit? Don’t tell women what to put in their vaginas to soak up their menstrual blood EVER.

As a 40-year-old woman blissfully married to a 28-year-old man, I endorse this statement.