She wanted to avoid that time of the month.
She wanted to avoid that time of the month.
The article now specifies that she meant gender equality, not diversity. Not that the revision makes her statements less cringe-worthy...
I see what you did there.
I think the douche part was a given, haha
I didn’t realize that $350k was a brag-worthy housing price.
Jean Amm. He's French.
Also blood, in that case. Or maybe just a clot.
That’s an oddly specific thing for someone to be attracted to.
I know everyone says to never take your time for granted, so it sounds cliché as hell but it’s so true—someone can go from healthy and in good spirits to dead in a shockingly short time. Having a good relationship with a parent (or parent figure) is a wonderful thing.
We brought his older cat to visit him in the hospital; dad perked right up every time, and the cat would curl up beside him while they napped together. Cats can be pretty wonderful therapy animals. Anyway I love both of them dearly, so taking them on was an easy decision.
Because humour is my thing:
My dad died last weekend. It’s the actual worst.
My bike had decent aftermarket mirrors so my rear view was almost always above standard for a sport bike, but riding my buddy’s Duke 990 was an exercise in being rearward-blind. It was so awkward to have no idea what was behind me simply because of my posture on the bike and the positioning of the mirror. If a cop had…
If I’m being self-indulgent by eating meat (which I do, and therefore am) and someone comes along and calls me self-indulgent, then they are not incorrect. And if their value judgement is that I’m disgusting for eating cows the same way I find the owner of bait dogs disgusting for engaging in dog fighting,…
Samesies. And I stopped watching the show well before the last season.
Does biking/spinning bother you? After ACL surgery it was a godsend for me.
Yea, is it really “girl power” if the paper chase involves enslaving other women?
Yup, saw that the other day. Eyes rolled.
Success on the backs of other women (who, arguably, made her the money while on their backs)
Also good, but I said Holdfast Chronicles because (as far as I can tell) it’s more obscure feminist lit.