
And yet again you decide to reply to what you chose from my comments and you keep insulting when you have no more points to debate. I'll leave you to your own projections and insecurities now. I won't waste any more of my time trying to debate a difference of opinions since to you everyone is bad and has

I see that because we don't agree in having sympathy for Norman you have to resort to insulting me. Everything you said in this post above is your opinion, not facts, by the way. Except that Romero is heroic. That is fact. And he'll probably die being heroic.

His mental illness takes over when his brain switches but when he is Norman he is *so* fully capable that he decided to not kill Marion, and to kill Sam Loomis instead. So yes, he is capable of living, functioning, lying to himself and others, and be an overall decent person. Yet, when he decided to kill Norma, people

Why is strange that I don't sympathize with the psycho killer in the story? There are a lot of people who think or feel the same way I do, I'm not the only one anyway. But I always allowed the "he's mentally ill" excuse to make a case for him, but that all ended the minute he killed Norma when he was fully conscious,

I think I understand his illness perfectly well, in fact, if you read my comment again you'll realize that. I never said a mental institution is not good enough, I said Mother can't be put into one physically because she is not physically real, so if they want or need to put "her" into a mental institution, it's

Norma was scared Norman had done something to Audrey and imagined her body in the pit. When she went to check she found nothing. Norman had put Audrey's body in the basement freezer, and then he moved her again, and because he was Mother when he did it, he never remembered where he put her. That's why he accused Norma

Also, Audrey's (Emma's mom) body was put in the basement freezer by Norman. He did it as Mother. Then he moved the body and he (as Norman) couldn't remember where he put it. That's why he accused Norma of having killed this woman and put it in the freezer after he found her clothes and luggage in the attic and he

The fact alone the he was enjoying and planning to profit form someone else's pain and tragedy (in this case, to his own face!) deserved a bullet. Aside from the fact, as many other posters have said, Chick blackmailed Norma, almost got Dylan killed, covered up Norman's digging of Norma's body, and killed Caleb (I

I have never felt bad for Caleb. Ever.

Sam Bates was not mentally ill, he was just a gigantic a**hole, but since baby Katie is the great-granddaughter of Francine Calhoun (who was apparently bipolar and depressed), the granddaughter of Norma and of Caleb, who are siblings and had their own share of genetic possible illness due to their mother, and the

I don't think he was in love with her in S1, she annoyed the hell out of him lol. I think he saw her as a woman who was innocent of it and didn't deserve to be dragged into the mess and decided to get rid of Jake Abernathy, and in doing so, of the whole criminal thing. It was his own moral of getting the town rid of

I wrote a long post here somewhere about the Alex and Norma love story, and why he loved her, if you want to read it. But to reply to your post: She did not coerced him into marrying her. She asked, proposed a business-like marriage (offering to sleep with him as a bonus because she knew he liked her), and he said no.

I do not forgive Norman, Chick or Caleb, ever. Caleb was the worst of all.

The first thing Dylan said to Norman when he told her Norma had killed herself was "She wouldn't do that!". And Dylan had very strong suspicions regarding Audrey and Norman, he even told (and fought with) Norma about it. So idk why he's suddenly so forgiving and defending of somebody he, at least, suspects of being

Back in S1 he killed Jake Abernathy. Although Alex killed him because Abernathy was in the prostitution ring and Alex wanted to end it so he killed the only remaining guy left (Keith Summers and Zach Shelby were dead already) but he also killed him to protect Norma, who at the time he probably saw as an innocent woman

I guess it all depends on your (or anyone's) definition and views of "love." Theirs was a strange relationship from the start (when they met) but he helped her many times, even though she drove him crazy. He even killed for her twice (when he killed Bob Paris he was already in love with her). You don't have to be

I was not sorry to see Chick go. He exploited Dylan and Caleb (as much as I hated Caleb), then he did the same to Norma (using information he had on her to blackmail her) and then he did it to Norman (using his illness to write a book for personal profit). Alex is the only one who's mourning Norma, and in avenging

Dylan forgot he left his mother and brother, without so much as looking back, even knowing he was sick and had probably killed Audrey. Norman is not a "good guy", somebody who has killer instincts is not intrinsically good. Yes, he is sick and his other personality of Mother is the killer (or at least has killed more

The need to make Norman sympathetic is just too much. He's sick yes, but he's also a serial killer.

If you're referring to someone Norma killed, she only killed Keith Summers (and he deserved it IMO), then she and Norman threw him in the water. He was later found and Alex covered it up with the death of Shelby as in Shelby killed Keith and then Alex killed Shelby. (Who was actually killed by Dylan)