It’s possible I’ve failed to notice the self-conscience, “god I wish this was a real cigarette” people who do the vapers... the smug “I’m so cool bro” vapers kinda stand out.
It’s possible I’ve failed to notice the self-conscience, “god I wish this was a real cigarette” people who do the vapers... the smug “I’m so cool bro” vapers kinda stand out.
Yes, I’m happy they’re helping people too I guess, but I think people using them should be corralled into their own areas the way regular smokers are.
I have a similar cowlick, and for that reason will never have bangs again.
Right? People are dumb. Smoking doesn’t make you look cool. Vaping doesn’t make you look cool. They both make you look dumb.
Oh that’s nice.
I work at a baseball park, and people aren’t allowed to smoke, even the e-cigarettes. People get all “but but but it isn’t a real cigarette.” I tell them to go hide in the bathroom if they want to use them, which is what I think everyone using those things should do. Hide.
Am I the only one who thinks people look like giant douchebags when they use those things?
Agreed. I’m naturally light blonde but went for red for a little while. I got sick of it and tried stripping the red, dying it back to blonde... it really only looked normal after it completely grew out. Red to blonde is impossible.
What the fuck were we thinking?
I would expect nothing less of Indianapolis. Maybe you should have gotten a spiral perm while you were there...
My older, cooler cousin showed my mom how to make my bangs go high and all feathered looking. The late 80s/early 90s were a sad time.
I frequently fantasize about having bangs. I have a high hairline and no eyebrows (I’m super blond), so I feel like something happening up there would help. But I also have a WICKED cowlick and can’t be bothered to even dry my hair in the morning, nevermind style it, so they will remain a fantasy, just like they have…
I have a close friend who throughout my life (we met when we were in kindergarten) would periodically try to friend-dump me. Our childhood friendship went through a lot of bumps, but I’m incapable of holding a grudge and make an effort towards keeping connections, so we’re still friends now, 30 years later. I’m lucky…
Fuck her, there’s no need to hang on to relationships that make you feel bad. There are plenty of people in the world who deserve to be your friend more than someone who does that. You have every right to feel totally pissed off at that person.
I’m still hoping Trump loses the Republican nomination and runs as an independent.
Ugh I JUST unloaded a ton of dough on the Andy Warhol Chucks. Now these? I’m not even supposed to be buying leather. BUT OH I WANT I WANT I WANT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH.
Maybe you should start calling yourself Annie Grog Booth... that might turn you into a killer.
My NASA nerd buddy recommended the book to me. It’s not normally my speed, but the smart ass humor of the narrator is making it enjoyable for me.
Yeah they explain in the book that each of the astronauts had other fields of expertise, his being botany. His personality played into his being part of the team too... the levity he could provide was supposed to be an asset.
I’m about halfway through the book... that’s kind of what the character is.