
So many questions:

“Five minutes before the fight, God gave us a sign that something ugly was about to happen.”

A big thumbs up to the dude with the Fresh Prince cosplay, but that has to be the easiest cosplay anyone’s ever done. A cap, sunglasses, t-shirt, and shorts. That’s it.

Yeah I got too caught up in the recent Raw Thrills games and forgot about games like Terminator. This new arcade/bowling/laser tag place opened up near me, and just about every single arcade game is Raw Thrills and the one’s that are light gun are all fixed-gun games, so that contributed to my angst lol. I should

Three kick buttons, but only one punch!

Hopefully another is to just rip the voice lines from Wolfenstein 3d, because I would, no joke, love that.

Sounds like you’ve reached the upper limit for the age of fun

You misspelled “atack-tak-triuken”

This all-female Cool Runnings reboot is ruining my childhood.

Cool, but could you please not embed auto-playing videos, especially when kinja is going to tack them onto the bottom of completely unrelated articles. Thanks.

That’s absolutely fine. I’m mostly frustrated about the general inability of transmitting what one appreciates about a game and would like more of.
I’m in no way saying “eliminate fan-service games!”, but rather that I saw something in this that I like, and would like to see more of. It just doesn’t happen to be the

It helps when you have one product for platform A vs multiple products for platform B

I, too, prefer to lay with other people.

I mean, we got eight films about Harry Potter, and most people didn’t mind that one bit. Why the revulsion for the Skywalker family?

I used to have to deal with people like this in comics when I ran a store. I had one guy come in who I had never seen before and only wanted to buy comics that would go up in price. I spent 20 minutes trying to explain that isn’t how it worked. He kept bringing up things like Action #1, Detective #27 and others.

Everyone one of you that have been complaining about Capcom abandoning Mega Man better buy this game.

So, they chose convenience and appealing to the core audience. Same for Ghost in the Shell.