
They should bring him in to play Sam Beckett.

A costume ‘two die’ for?

It is ridiculous! Heck, you might even go so far as to say it’s absurd.

They are going to find Agent Carter frozen/in suspended animation as part of a reveal of an old Skrull invasion plan. The one that died previously was a Skrull in deep cover that wasn’t even aware of it’s own role awaiting activation.

I think the SNES game is certainly the most popular version of the original, and includes a lot of stuff that became common later on in the series (the rewards, zones combining, etc.).

Considering the videogame ecosystem on Japan, it must be the version that they were most exposed around there.

Here’s my idea for a Bond film. In the latest installment, the new Bond discovers that a man named James Bond (played by Sean Connery) has been assassinated. And then another (George Lazenby) is offed, and then another and another. He comes to find out there have been multiple James Bonds, and that he is just the

I took it more as a “Nope, been there, everything after 2045 is a nuclear wasteland that can no longer support human life. I’m going back to the 1300's, finding an undeveloped part of the world, and living out my days in peace”.

Good point. I was wondering if the Inhumans in Afterlife were aware of the Inhumans in Attilan and vice versa. It seems like there were a lot more Inhumans in Attilan and it seems to be an older settlement, so I assumed they had gone through a lot more terrigenesis and were more likely to have encountered a rare

I’ll wait for the definitive Director’s Cut where they show it was clearly Ryan who hit first.

Hmm... slowly digested over 1,000 years never said *which* 1,000 years. You go in this end of the Sarlacc today, out the other end in the Old Republic.

These days when I notice a sci fi action-oriented show with cheap effects, my reaction isn’t, “Wow, that’s a terrible weakness.” My reaction is, “Wow, hopefully, this show’s staying in budget well enough to stick around for more than a single season.” I don’t watch old Doctor Who episodes and think to myself that they

Gee, forgive my lack of enthusiasm. The last time an anime got a good live action adaption over here was Speed Racer. So:

I guess it should be noted that Archer’s Enterprise had already encountered at least one species with advanced holodeck technology in the first season (the episode where Trip got pregnant with an alien baby).

Because if you set the show 200 years in the future and gave everyone computers that were just boxes of flashing lights and futuristic “communicators” that were less advanced than modern smart phones, it would look silly. While the original series was very optimistic about technology (not to mention very cavalier

Wow, dude, chill your tits. I just meant the new names they have selected sounded a lot more like Vulcan names (T’Pol, T’Pring, T’Pau, T’Pel, T’Pan) than classic Klingon names (Worf, Kor, Duras, Lursa, Gowron, Martok, Koloth, Grilka), not necessarily the use of apostrophes - which I KNOW are used in Klingon. Also, the

What are you talking about? LoT was the best of the lot last year!

the ONLY one?!
