
It will be interesting if they continue to do sequels that every country has its own version of the kingsmen. I think if it’s done right it could be a fun idea ...

Ha. I wasn’t there when it happened. 10pm that night I went to his room to play Sega Genesis NHL ‘95 as usual with him and his roommate and he wasn’t there and his roommate told me.

Cobie Smulders aka Maria Hill? She’s connected to Tony (worked for him), Avengers, Shield, MCU movies & tv (AoS) and doesn’t seem to have an aversion to tv projects...

For Kingsmen 3 I want it set in Canada.

I liked Secret Empire better when it was the Framework arc on Agents of SHIELD.

If you think Shane was the first person to do that stunt, then you’ve proven why they keep doing it. It’s always going to be new to someone.

Let’s see an action film where Seth Rogan goes all John Wick on some people.

“Save Mothra...”

This is a universe where Pamela Isley becomes Poison Ivy and E. Nigma becomes the Riddler. 1000% that name is in keeping with the rules the world is built on.

Just and arm and a leg......

“We Finally Got A Good Battlestar Galactica Video Game

You mean like Malcolm Merlyn, Slade Wilson, Prometheus, Kara’s aunt Astra, Mon-El’s mother, Lena’s mother, Rip Hunter’s mentor in the Time Masters, Hawkgirl’s former boss, Captain Cold and mind controlled Rip Hunter in Legends last year, etc? Or Lex Luthor, Jason Todd, Harvey Dent... the list goes on.

He was Kalibak in the DCAU and Coldstone in Gargoyles as well. He’s actually quite a prolific voice actor.

that photo is missing daredevil, jessica jones, luke cage, and iron fist, coulson, may, fitz-simmons, quake, ghost rider, the inhumans...

I find this somewhat irritating. The care put into this is obviously wonderful, and a single player campaign is great, but I’m really not super excited about identifying deeply with a sympathetic story about a space Nazi.

Samuel J. Jackson will return

Why are “DLC packs” a deal breaker? If you evaluate the base content, and decided that what the base content offers is worth your time and money, why is that invalidated by the fact that there is additional, optional content that you can also purchase?

For Bison, that was the most painful day of his life. For Chun-Li, it was Tuesday

Wonder why they aren’t looking for a second suspect??

Bilbo and Gollum reunion!