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Also, Transformers really jumped the toy shark when they started making “Transformers” toys that didn’t actually transform.

I don’t remember any of the Avengers during the press rounds for AoU saying “this isn’t going to be as good as the 1st one, but you guys should totally go see it anyway!”

why in the blue fuck does it matter?

Man, the Danny Rand hate is getting old. Was it perfect? No. But Danny wasn’t really the problem. Iron Fist felt super rushed all over and except the Meachums and Gao, everyone was bad. Even Claire was bad. And Colleen Wing was hands down the worst character in the show.

But... he’s trying to change and be better? He literally wrote to an advice column for that reason, and you’re shitting on him because he sought help in a semi-public forum?

That’s not the joke...

Well, technically it does have two wings. A left and a right one...

Rock scissors paper DEATH.

In all fairness, Lara wasn’t really muscular in the 2013 reboot either. Looking at screenshots of the game, Alicia seems a bit lankier than Lara, but she is otherwise pretty close all things considered.

Aged up Natalie Portman. 1) Acknowledges the prequels and washes some stink off them. 2) Puts her in a position where she actually has to give a fuck.

The 400 year old virgin

his best friend is a bald psychic. Magneto would be the one with you know the magnatism.

The sequels will be really cheap to make though because they can just reuse footage from this movie over and over.

How about Dark Forces III: Jedi Knight II: Jedi Outcast?

Any word on a reenactment of this pivotal scene between Magneto and Professor X?

James Cameron has like a decade of Avatar in front of him right now. I wouldn’t expect any Terminator saving.

I think it may not be Slade’s mask, but rather his friend’s? Oliver finds it in season 1 or 2. Or the one Slade lost the first time he was arrowed through the eye. Can’t remember exactly, it’s been awhile since I’ve seen those eps, but either way, no screwing up necessary.

This movie left me wanting a sequel way more than the original. Part because I wanted more of the four leads. Partly because I saw the original’s sequel.

My point being IO9's opinion never had to be yours and it seems like you felt it was forced upon you and it’s not the first time I’ve seen that. The idea that this is some kind of hivemind we all have to join is silly to me given the number of scuffles that happens here on a regular basis. Hell, I think I just

On the other hand, Suicide Squad 2 just got a writer this week