
Donald Glover as Lando.

It’s like a female Al Snow!

But those are Rocket’s guns.

Empire has a new picture of Star-Lord and Drax (and a very large gun in Drax’s possession).

He has no depth perception, give him a break.

Obi Wan owned it longer than anyone... ;)

Never tell me the odds!

oh yah absolutely none of it makes sense at all if you even think about it for a second. I just gave up thinking about it. Same way I gave up thinking how the heck Captain America could throw his shield (and yah making fun of it in Civil War still does not make up for it being crazy)

Though I agree that this is likely just a toyline-specific paint job and not reflective of what will be in the movie, trailers can be misleading, especially when it comes to relatively easily-modified CGI elements; Spider-Man was missing from one of the Civil War scenes we saw in the trailers, for example, and I

Considering how late in the process Cranston was cast...I’m not sure they’d have had time to shoot any action/stunt scenes.

Sorry, but that’s Ashley Eckstein’s part until she turns it down.

Correction, you wildly underestimate how much I love Star Wars. :D

The real insanity of this comment, too, is that literally two sentences later she says that Xavier wouldn’t have any advantage in games that would play right into the abilities of a telekinetic.

Eh. Vengeance is just justice with interest.

Logan is the end of the line. It should be his last outing as Wolverine, and if I’m not mistaken, he’s made statements to that effect as well. Appearing in a Deadpool movie... no. Not as Wolverine, at least.

I’d still kinda like to see Hugh Jackman in Deadpool...but not Wolverine. I think a movie where Deadpool grabs the actual Hugh Jackman and drags him into the action, probably getting him killed in the process, would be awesome.

Boba Fett. The only times we see him as a bounty hunter, he’s the one that finds Solo, despite impressive competition, and he negotiates to get paid twice for it.

If they do an augmentation to the T-65 in the X-Wing miniatures game, he damn well better be included as a pilot

I liked that, so I invested a bit of work.

Phil Coulson better show up in there somewhere, then.