
Stop that thinking. People die. He had been battling cancer for almost two years now. It’s not like Carrie Fisher where she had a sudden heart attack out of no where or like Anton Yelchin who died in freak accident at such a young age.

Didn’t the movie say that she was his best fighter before he abandoned her at, I think, 16? So that’s actually a pretty reasonable interpretation. There are tons of teens who fight on the front lines worldwide in real life (though not necessarily always voluntarily), so it’s not even particularly unrealistic.

Wait, I thought Cyclops had heat vision?


Luke isn’t a Jedi anymore he became a Bendu...

Trust me, I have k own homless people. I can guarantee that they would much rather live I a secure room with a roof over their heads than one that meets all the building codes. They don’t need x number of outlets per wall, large windows in every bedroom, etc.

Or film Cable and Deadpool just sitting in a cafe discussing his entire backstory, in one three-hour long scene, the whole thing, all improvised to save budget, and release that as part of a five-hour long Extended Edition.

to be fair, Laurel is still dead. she’s about the only character in this universe that’s stayed dead.

they are the main royal family, and usually...usually, families tend to be the same race...

Bigger story, HBK is also making movies.

Don’t be.

oh i’m gonna love the responses to this

Here is my opinion - were the effects perfect? No. Were they fucking great? Yes. I applaud the entire team for sticking with the idea and taking the risk. Sure, maybe they only achieved 90% of their goal, but that is still 90% more than if they had not tried.

No, that doesn’t mean he’d be “bi at most”. He could be entirely gay and still have been romantically involved with a woman at some point.

“Marionette” is a strong and maybe inaccurate comparison. Tarkin’s body and voice were provided by an actor on the set- an actor with the improbably anonymous name “Guy Henry- and they animated Cushing’s head over his. Same with Leia.

Kanan was knighted. Unfortunately I think he has to die, but he’s really the only one you couldn’t get by on a technicality.

“Darth Maul is finally going to get the rematch he’s been clamoring for since a much younger Kenobi cut his body in two at the end of The Phantom Menace

...But they fought several times (along with Savage Opress) in the Clone Wars tv show...

In the DCverse, Black Adam doesn’t murder people - he manslaughters them, so it’s all good.