
Welcome to 2016, where now even teaser posters get teaser posters.

White privilege

True, but they are also known for pretty effective — if occasionally horrifying — methods of birth control.

Should've gone all the way and called it The Clonspiracy

Some people might say this is above average Frank Miller dialogue. Some people might suggest it’s more coherent, less full of misogyny, racism, and general crazy. That’s what some people might say about that page.

Hold on was that Brent Spiner? Didn’t his character died in the original movie? Or is it B-4?

Lucky for Dr. Okun that his “death scene” in ID4 was filmed in such a vague manner that it was possible to hand wave it away and bring him back for the sequel.

Huh? Does Ray not pause and answer "No"? I'm sure that's what happens.

He’s the Superman who’s seen the reviews for BvS.

What? I see FOUR people playing there. Definitely not THREE, most certainly not F...FIVE.


Indeed, the defactiory matter has impacted the atmospheric rotary oscillator...

The braintrust at Marvel studios have done so many things right....and then they blundered this lovely Easter Egg so badly it still pains me to this day.

I don’t know about you, but those are the questions that kept me awake at night.

Something tells me WB TV is finally saying go fuck yourselfs to WB movies. For the longest time the reason Batman, Superman, Wonderwoman, etc etc couldn’t be on TV, and the reason Smallville never actually showed Superman as well Superman was thanks to the movie division.

I want to see a round robin bootstrap paradox, where Kara tells Barry to believe in himself, Barry tells Ollie to believe in himself, Ollie tells Rip to believe in himself, Rip goes back in time and tells Kara to believe in herself.

Better question: once the hat sorts out who belongs where, why are the Slytherin children not, you know...executed?

Quality aside though, if the studio is ok with having two Flashi, they shouldn’t inherently have a problem with a TV Suicide Squad. It’s just inconsistent is all.

Page Six is reporting that Disney executives are panicking about the film,

MacNicol has such a strong accent in this, I have to turn on subtitles to understand what he says. Thanks to that, I know how to spell the name Janosz. Who said you learned nothng from fantasy movies?