
“That thing does not obey the laws of physics at all!”

Well yeah, that’s the whole reason we have internet on our phones: To prove ourselves right and shove it in our friends’ faces. Usually not literally in their faces but you get the idea.

Thats just the punisher mobile.

Thanks for the 5 grey commenters who went “yeah, duh”. No I’m not responding to or starring any of you.

That would kind of be a good interview question/trick. “Oh, I see on your resume you that you have a strong attention to detail. When you entered my office I had a goat standing next to me. I left with the goat and returned with A goat, but is it the same goat?”

You want to know why? It’s the same reason a 50 year old Freighter Tender is the fastest ship in the galaxy, Astromech droids can’t speak, and weapons technology has been the same for close to 1000 years.

I know a shocking amount of disturbing information.

The actual limiting factor for how small a space you can fit a body - living or otherwise - is the length of the femur. If you can break those (good luck) or cut them (far easier*) then you can fit said body into a much smaller space.

Read that as one half-dead prostitute.

No brah.

What if the game will be sold everywhere, but all the pokemon will be in Japan. BOOM! Tourism!

Huh, well at least your name is relevant.

OK, so you don’t give a shit about being a member of polite society. Move along.

a) You probably don’t ride. Believe me, there are plenty of places that are unsafe for a car to pass where it’s no problem for a bike (either due to the bike being able to do the pass or simply because of things like better sightlines due to lane positioning etc). So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being

My main tip: If you are a Stormtrooper, it is okay to miss and die, more than you get kills. Hell, it’s even canonized. It is okay if you run into walls, hit your head on doors, and somehow ricochet a blast into yourself. It’s canon. Have fun with being a Stormtrooper. If you are an X-Wing Fighter Pilot, it is okay to

It's trrrble, Charles. Trrrble money management.

There might be someone in Springfield, Missouri that can help you with that.

Willful misspelling? Auto-correct fail? Or just plain ignorant. You decide.

Cena, Norris, and Segata Sanshiro triple threat match. Book it, now.