
Technically, that's wally west

They’re nice but the original 1987 poster is already perfect like the movie.

A lot of records were probably destroyed on Judgment Day, it’s possible that one of the only things Skynet knew about Sarah Connor was that she was living in Los Angeles in that timeframe.

I think trying to explain time across galactic scales is just foolish to begin with.

If Chewie can’t speak how did Han know his name is Chewbacca? Answer that!

I still think that even acknowledging the events of Agents of SHIELD is further than Feige or the movie team will be willing to go. Because it establishes in the films that Coulson is out there doing something, even if no one but Nick Fury knows it. It’s a shame, but they’ve been adamant that the shows are in no way

Woah woah woah, pump the breaks. The original Star Wars was developed as a one-off, before the idea of episodes was a twinkle in Lucas’ eye. Saying we wouldn’t have the original trilogy because of something that was added in the prequels is a non-starter.

It’s still very lovely and warm and friendly, just like seven was.

It’s a real pick-your-poison decision, but thankfully, at least Angry Birds coverage will be mildly short. Unless they adapt Star Wars Angry Birds for the sequel, in which case, I’m handing in my resignation and jumping off the nearest cliff.

Well, they also used the word “motherfrakker.” And, I mean, given the versatility of the word “fuck,” I don’t mind.

Except Voltron II. Fuck that guy.

His character was, and is, an appropriation of Asian culture

Counterpoint: No it doesn’t.

“It’s such a good story. Seriously. Luke is so cool in this one. Really”

I would be totally fine with it if they brought back intermissions for Infinity War.

based on how they’ve marketed all other movies, i believe the answer to your question is “badly”. they’re going to market it badly.

That would kind of be a good interview question/trick. “Oh, I see on your resume you that you have a strong attention to detail. When you entered my office I had a goat standing next to me. I left with the goat and returned with A goat, but is it the same goat?”

Vader: The master of sick burns.

Something about that picture, I just can’t put my penis on it.