
90s board game? ...90s?!?!?!?

I don’t hear people saying “$60 for some letters and numbers?!?” when purchasing game codes online.

And something thst doesn’t imply that Jedi can now fight starfighters with lightsabers by flying through space.

It isn’t going to be pretty, but it’s not as if you die instantaneously.


Yes, I pointed it out, because I was taking a jab at myself, I am a fanboy after all :)

Ooh, a women only fighter - reads like something I could get my daughter into.

Just to add to this, Rey points out that she senses everything through the force, except Luke himself. If Palpatine did cut himself off from the force, all the Jedi Masters constantly surrounding him would be like “why is there a black hole force bubble around you, Sheev?”

I don’t have my copy with me right now, but IIRC in Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter (which I read over a decade ago), the padawan Maul is up against is actually able to cut himself off from the force for a few seconds, enough that Maul completely fails to sense any threat and he gets the drop on Maul.

Ryan Reynolds missed the perfect opportunity to tweet something along the lines of “Deadpool shoots first.”

the lightsaber that Kylo screamed at Rey, ‘That’s mine, that belongs to me.’

They’ve already done the Black Mercy in an earlier season of Supergirl :)

Indeed. I find it funny how some people still can’t distinguish between market-leading brand/platform and market-leading product.

Maybe because the iPhone 7 was the best selling smartphone model globally in 2017? (Based on a quick google search, the only easily/publicly available figures I could find were for up to Q3 2017)

Just do, or do not. There is no try.

Why not?

But it hasn’t turned blue yet.

in practice it was an appalling instance of whitewashing that left fans, particularly Asian fans, upset

Why do I get the feeling that if I look up who is part of FXitinPost, I’m going to find out that it’s just George Lucas?

Vader is fearful and hesitant because the last time they actually met, he got 3 limbs chopped off in a span of half a second, and was left for dead.