
Apparently, that shield doesn’t obey the laws of physics either.

Right, forgot about those. The man does have a wonderful voice. Weasel is still my favorite though :)

As the only voice work of Michael Dorn I am aware of is his role as I.M. Weasel, I am strangely looking forward to hearing him exclaim “I am Fortress Maximus!”

Ahahaha! That IS racist, because asians have tiny... Oh wait, I’m asian...

900??? Whatever man, my kids probably won’t need the college education anyway...

Well, the story is set somewhere in Asia some 1000 years ago, give or take a few hundred. The lamp was presumably found somewhere there. Genie had been trapped in said lamp for over 10,000. That’s the last time he was outside of the lamp, so we don’t know how long he’s been around even before that. And they aren’t

Was just about to comment on her rank. Just goes to show that Bendu really is just full of sh*t.


And now, grammar nazis (like me) will be the bane of your existence.

Weren’t AT-ATs consciously designed like giant elephants?

I could’ve sworn that I felt a great disturbance in the force when I saw that. As if a million SW nerds cried out in unison “that’s not how the force works!” ...and were suddenly silenced.

Or just fill it with Ultron drones. Feels kinda fitting.

Consoles are toys.

Indeed. But a flat out “no” is just a bit too equivocal and can be interpreted as ranging from “it’s not going to be better, but it’s just as good” to “no, it’s gonna suck.” And celebrities who do interviews should know better. Granted this wasn’t a press tour for JL, but still.

Sure. But that’s not something you say BEFORE a movie you are in is coming out. I don’t remember any of the Avengers during the press rounds for AoU saying “this isn’t going to be as good as the 1st one, but you guys should totally go see it anyway!”

Even worse, Gypsy - who comes from a universe that acknowledges and even polices interdimensional travel - follows the same naming convention.

So EA was horribly wrong about a video game. That’s just par for the course.

You’ve successfully fanned the 3D flame war. Meanwhile, here I am, taking issue with how you find the original 2DS uncomfortable.

It’s achievable, to an extent.
