
Tarkin was a douche even during the Clone Wars.

They’ll be doing flashbacks of season 4 in season 9. No, seriously, there were jokes about Arrow running out of years to flashback to. They had an episode where they flashbacked to his first year as the hood.

Seriously? I mean the Rock is literally scheduled to go fight a black hole a few movies down the line. That torpedo wasn’t even a warm-up.


It’s funny how two of the characters on your list are “dead” but still show up.

Has anyone thought through WHY the toys in Toy Story are alive??? I mean, not in the “Pixar shared Universe theory” kind of thinking it through.

so thats how, can u nekx me pls?

XCOM: the board game can play 1-4 players. Well, actually, almost all co-op games can be played single player, as long as you’re willing to take on the roles of all the other players. XCOM was just the first to come to mind because it uses an app to handle randomizing events the game throws at you.

So... you’re saying... there’s a chance?

It should be made clearer that this is the expansion/sequel: Jack the Ripper & West End Adventures (which, yes, can be played even without having the original game), which was recently released.

Ant-Man sort of delves into that, right? But think about it for more than 2 seconds, and the logic seems to fall apart. He retains his mass and density, but can run up someone’s arm without them noticing.

In the S1 finale, when he goes back in time to the night of his mom’s death, isn’t the Flash battling Thawne (the one that waives S1 Barry off from saving his mom) the one that chased him back from the future, pre-timeline-fuckery?

On top of that, how do they pop out? Doesn’t Logan cut his knuckles every time he snikts? And I always assumed Hulk’s skin was close to adamantium resistant.

I’m hoping Pidge’s search for her family leads her to her to find her older brother piloting one of 15 special vehicles.

Stop oppressing the minority!

Bruce’s skill came solely from perseverance and hard work. Dick has both of those PLUS natural athletic talent/ability.

During the run of the cartoons? 50, maybe. I mean, he barely held his own against a middle-aged possessed Tim Drake. And that was with his super bat-suit.

Now you’re thinking with portals!

So he keeps up-to-date with the goings-on in his company while in K’un Lun? Is it a bit much to hope for something similar to a “here’s your wi-fi password” scene in this?