Huh, two buttons?!? We had a '5' on the numpad to rotate pieces, and that was it! Now where are my dentures and spectacles?
Huh, two buttons?!? We had a '5' on the numpad to rotate pieces, and that was it! Now where are my dentures and spectacles?
You can fit at least 20 games in those things!
Clearly we have differing views on the appropriate use of the word "slut." I feel like my last reply was just being argumentative for argument's sake, and for that I apologize.
slut: term applied to an individual who is considered to have loose sexual morals or who is sexually promiscuous
Girl who craves attention = slut. Classy.
10x? Hardly. As of late 2012, Android has a 75% of the market share of smartphones worldwide whereas iPhone is around 20%
What is this news...paper(?) that you are talking about?
I understand where you're coming from, but come on, that's the point of the series (gameplay wise)! It's like saying "they should have removed the platforming sections of Mario and focused on the mini-games."
There appears to be a discrepancy in the naming of the suit, as some sources have it as the Mark XLVII. What gives?
THIS should be the first comment that shows up on this thread :)
I thought Tony was somehow granted membership into the Future Foundation.
Sorry, I wasn't being sarcastic :P
And yet I love how the wii mote can be turned sideways and used as an EVEN MORE CUMBERSOME NES controller :)
Right. That part went over my head... thanks.
Right. That part went over my head... thanks.
Hold on... I distinctly remember reading somewhere on LH (probably from a fellow commenter) that silica gel packs found inside packaged goods are no longer useful, as their moisture absorption capacity would probably have been used up by the time the package gets to the consumer; that the amount of silica in the…
Yeah! I was like, WTF, why does the exit to the morgue double back into itself? Am I playing Portal?
You can get yourself a gf to do both. But it will probably be more expensive in the long run. A hooker then?
Or the "rage quitting" on some game's official forum page: