Not until they get that Deadpool movie to film.
Not until they get that Deadpool movie to film.
Well fortunately, that's an Eternian frame, so maybe it is meant to pack on that much mass. Also, the Wizard Roid potions don't actually work like the 'roids of our world. They don't add mass as Prince Adam is already beefy in his own right. It's just a magical tanning lotion (which could conceivably give rise to a…
To spouse: "You know what, I could have totally compromised with your mother. Too bad she ended up being an alien monster."
Well, if "growing up" means forgetting how to spell, then I'd rather retain my childish immaturity.
Yes, but why won't Fandral turn around. Seriously want to see how Zach Levi looks in the role.
ZOMG! One movie together, and Tony's already made a Thor clone!
I'm pretty sure your wife's going to be fine seeing her name in the search history...
Great, more things I can't afford.
Aren't all lemmings, by default, brain damaged?
And if they some how do, the chair makes for a pricey yet wonderful melee weapon.
Your analogy works because both arguments are in the same category? How is CHOOSING to download an app = being a victim?
Well, that escalated quickly.