
So you write an article where your father, also presumably a Burke, reminds you to mention an article about Doris Burke with a video at the top featuring Madelyn Burke.

Exactly. Imagine what it’d be like if every team was able to design their own field, or if they had actual rule differences based on where the game was played. That would be totally fucked.

Because it’s the NBA and the practical definition of traveling is not dribbling from mid-court?

Definitely a question I would love to see answered. Even when the announcers brought it up it was just laughed off.

Yes because this NEVER happens in any other major sport. I mean umpires had the same strike zone for Greg Maddux as they did for Bobby Ayala.

Can you ask your basketball source how come LeBron gets to travel every time he touches the ball as if he were Le’Veon Bell waiting for the hole to develop?

But, Leeroy does show up again in the revamped Upper Blackrock Spire. You kill a boss and find his corpse (remarkably well-preserved for 8 years). If you rezz him, you have 15 minutes to clear out a large section of the dungeon, including the boss that has the shoulderpads he needs. Meanwhile, he stays were you found

Real, fake, everything else that happens in the video, I really don’t care.

Yeah, he plays football.

It’s not a participation trophy...

As someone who lived through the age of endless proprietary chargers, the ubiquitous universality of Micro-USB was nothing short of miraculous.


Uh Apple has never used micro usb

She wouldn’t get any exercise in a nursing home, either, unless you were paying out of pocket and visiting often to stay on top of her care.

Yep, it was Wycombe. Carling Cup match (I said FA Cup, was wrong).

I think the dude’s heart was in the right place, but still, I agree.

As a former coach myself, I can say this was a very cool thing. I’ve been on the receiving end, and it did mean a lot to my guys, and is one of the highlights of my coaching career.

IAAL, but I have not reviewed the entirety of this complaint:

There are a bunch of claims (starting on page 29 of the complaint), and they include claims based on the abuse. Forcing her to sign the NDA is mostly evidence that they were complicit in the damage caused by the abuse then the focal point of the suit. The article just focuses on that because it is the new information

Haha, my first thoughts to the bar trick were “That’s kind of a cheesy move.” and “I wonder if the woman would worry I hang out in a bar so much they know my name.” And that’s why there is no sure fire move.