
The fake rich do, the real money stays all summer (+30 days).

Well, at least this shows that Andrew Cuomo hates his constituents, both upstate and in the city.

Advice on Witcher 3: Take it all in at whatever pace feels comfortable to you. Take your time if you can. It’s much more like a grand, sprawling novel than any open world game I’ve ever played.

We all grew up or got old and now we all live next door to each other and have wives / kids that don’t appreciate noise for the sake of noise.

I love cars. I also believe in living with respect to others. I was merely asking where that line was.


I don’t understand the Schumer hatred here, I just don’t. She’s hilarious and she shares our values but she sucks because she said a couple of politically incorrect things? She’s a fucking comedian! (I’m not yelling at you Sparky, I love you, lol! I’m just so sick of this constant attack on her from both the left and

That’s included, you just have to apply for the ultra premium gold platinum express travel card that only gets you benefits for one specific airline that’s still going to fuck you when they lose your luggage.

Although I truly wish she would be gone as soon as election day, I’m still happy she said this. Because fuck those people who all of a sudden act like they want to live in an echo chamber with like-minded littlebrains while everybody with a different outlook should be ashamed for voicing their opinions in public.

Not that I support the airlines, but they did take you to your destination and back safely. Why should you get to fly for free? Vote with your wallet and pick another airline next time.

I’m legitimately torn on this, and I know this won’t be a popular opinion, but at what point do you stop giving zero fucks about anyone and start being respectful of everyone else around you?

I was an activist on sexual assault issues in college when this happened, so the fact that I did nothing haunts me. But let me try to explain:

When my wife was a server (also some years ago) a guy grabbed her ass and she immediately poured the drink she was carrying on his head.

I had a 60-year-old geezer with a CANE grab my ass while walking up the stairs at Penn from the NJTransit platform. I whipped around and started yelling and pointing and making a scene, but he wouldn’t admit anything until my boyfriend caught up and got up in his face. Then it was all “it was a mistake, I didn’t mean

“... That means iPhone owners can recharge it on the go without packing a grody microUSB cable.”

“... That means iPhone owners can recharge it on the go without packing a grody microUSB cable.”

I was taught about gun safety and played with toy ones when I was a kid.

If she had reported it, 99% chance it would have been brushed off as “no big deal” or “nothing we can do” or “why are you making a scene”. That’s what happens, because it happens all the time and is normalized.

When I was about 22 ish (back when the Loch Ness monster was just a tadpole) a 60ish man put his hand down my skirt and squeezed my ass at a charity function. My then boyfriend tried to make me tell someone, but all I wanted to do was leave.

Do you remember when Ted Cruz was spouting off about carpet bombing (which verse was that in the Bible? I can’t remember) and Obama went on the record saying essentially “That is a literal war crime. We are bombing as much as intelligence allows.”

Let’s be clear about something...