
Ahh, "context." Because doing any of these things would be fine as long as other people in other locker rooms are doing them.

As an RN: NOPE.

As a nurse working night shift in the ICU of a busy hospital, I have several problems with this.

Hospitals now, at least in the US, are very concerned with protocol. Today, a nurses's job would be in far more jeopardy from not following protocol than from not following the doctor's (illegitimate) order, and most orders are entered eletronically so there's no "I'll fill it out later" option.

Great article! I remember times in my life when the only meaningful financial advice would have been "make more money", because every month was a game of financial Tetris where sometimes we (my wife and I) had to skip a "free" night out at friend's houses because we wouldn't be able to replace the gas so we could go

I've rewritten this at least four times trying to think of a nice way of putting this.

Well, for starters, the headline would be "No, The Xbox One Doesn't Have A 'Wobbling' Problem."

Jesus. You people.

Im pretty sure J.J Redick is 3pt specialist and would probably pull up for a jump shot even if Mario Chambers was closing in on him. Redicks always been that type of player, lets not get carried away and give Lebron to much credit.

Now playing

Of any video involving the Russian hockey team, this will always be my favorite. I was 10 years old, and this is still the greatest upset victory in the history of sport.

I think it was George Carlin that said, "If I can touch 'em, they're real."

A company in Rochester making optics lenses for new technology? Now that's a new idea.

I was thinking sort of the same thing - on top of his obvious athleticism and ball control, he seems to have an almost supernatural situational awareness. These crazy shots are not flukes, they come from instantaneous (or constant?) understanding of where he is in relation to the goal, the defenders and the goalie.

I find it interesting that the measurement system upon which the U.S. paper sizes are based has now become derogatorily associated with "America" despite the fact that its historical source, and therefore any blame, lies squarely with the British "geniuses" who originally established and propagated it (as the narrator

Whenever I hear "programming is for guys" I get really annoyed, because historically, programming was a woman's job - it was only in the 1970's that men started to be employed as programmers more and more.

You may be watching the wrong porn...

I am the pavement engineer for a state transportation department in the southeast US, so this is my specialty. There are a variety of reasons different agencies select different systems for paving. These relate to traffic levels, local contractor capabilities, and the relative cost, durability, and availability of

If Val really wants to save his career... He needs to get working on that sequel to Real Genius ASAP.

Hahaha fuck off nothing I said was premature. I think I hedged beautifully there.