
This isn't a bug. Jesus has been complaining about this for as long as it's existed, and we're pretty sure Apple knows who/what Gizmodo is by now. So that just makes two things obvious:

I agree, but the things he is able to do doesn't scale well. Right now his constituent base is maybe a couple mil, and he can respond to quite a few. But if his constituent population let's just say tripled, he'd still only be able to respond to a few, and even then only those in his localized area. The rest of the

Well it looks like I wouldn't be getting a call-back from Xarlen either. My IT work experience is mostly on proprietary software that would make no sense when applied to a different software package. Plus, that's sorta ignoring the whole concept that it's work that my previous employer technically owns.

I don't think RYM is advocating selling something and buying it back. He/She/They is/are stating that it's dumb to sell -everything-, but rather sell the things you don't like/need and keep the rest. Sort of a middle ground.

Sorry, photobucket account's been on the fritz. 86 K5

I'd wager that his persona would get lost if he ever got to a larger stage. Can you imagine him trying to fix every pothole in Jersey?!?

There's a scene after the credits in the original "Cars" where Sarge is teaching a bunch of SUV's how to drive on the dirt. One of them says something along the lines of "but I've never left the pavement before." It may not be a dually, but I'm pretty sure the orange one is a Ford.

Not true... my cousin's "wedding" car was an original mini. As in that's the car that he drove off in after he got hitched and still drives to this day.

Oddly enough "Just Total Pricks" was deemed too offensive by PR, so they shortened it to Prius.

I'm pretty sure HAL put an end to talking vehicles, forever and ever.

Are matte paintjobs really that bad? I was considering going with a flat grey on my Blazer. But that thing only sees water when it hits puddles and hasn't been washed regularly since the Carter administration. So... maybe I'll stick with the flat 1980's factory paint instead.

There's an easy fix for this. Let me share my little story to asplain.

They did at least learn their lesson. The C5s had quite a few frame strengthening features, not the least of which was the torque tube.

I still drive mine.

Yes, the correct spelling of "3 door" is "h-a-t-c-h-b-a-c-k".

I think the other thing is that in the Premier you have officials that see the same teams several times a year. That level of familiarity benefits both the player and the official since they both know what to expect of each other.

As far as I know Pandora is still free... so I'll continue using that. Their somewhat frequent ads are still much better than TV or radio, mainly due to their short length and more recently their subdued volume levels.

If I remember correctly, he also had 15 commandments too.

Pro-tip: put all of your liquids in a (small) zip-top bag. Technically, it's what the TSA requires you to do, but it's tres convenient when that one lid cracks or the air pressure wreaks havoc on your "air-tight" containers.

I agree... this comes across less as an infographic and more like an ad disguised as an infographic. And until one or more of the credit agencies can produce the math/logic they use to determine the actual numerical score, I judge anything related to either the report or the score with a high level of skepticism.