
My god, has the water washed away all common sense?!? Most of what I'm about to say has been stated previously in this thread.

Heh, that's a good one. Using the RIAA to justify anything regarding logic, freedoms, and/or laws.

Well heck, it'll be a helluva lot easier to track voter fraud if the offending individuals are sending you their information electronically, and the information is fed directly into a database via an audit-able interface.

Straw man: I'm not sure Guy Fawkes is even the point any more.

Can someone explain to me how a tweet can violate copyright laws? I get the concept of linking to pirated material could be questionable (and I'd have no problem with them actually removing the link on a DMCA takedown request), but isn't the tweet itself free speech?

Because I've heard other sources state other things and have no way to value this particular article more or less than the others. So instead of arbitrarily taking sides I state that I simply do not know the factual answer.

I have no idea where the "Hornets" name came from, but the mascot has always been named Hugo, after a hurricane happened to wander into uptown Charlotte a short while before the team was started.

Fuck you, Jews aren't tokens.

I thought that was what this was for?

Yeah, I was sitting here trying to think of which ACC schools are not in states bordering the Atlantic. I realized that they must have been talking about ND, even though the it's only the football program that's going to be a "conference" opponent.

If you read the article, the owner was not there when the fight broke out. But it was the owner who was interviewed and said he did not want them to leave. He also went on to say that "Tank" was no longer welcome there.

Ha. You said that Jesus Diaz has a "well informed tech opinion."

Any reference to "those people" regardless of whichever people it is that you're actually referencing is a sign of elitism. Straw man, maybe. But it is, without a doubt, a sign that you've got some pretty ignorant viewpoints and that you, at times, do believe that you are better than the "others" whoever they may be.

1. Durwood Pack, Drivers Ed circa 1994, services provided by Forsyth County Public School System, in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Transportation

I find it interesting that you think it's okay to ignore a rational thought process just because you find someone's theoretical actions on the internet objectionable.

The legal definition of the word implies that the victim no longer has ownership over said item. In this scenario you are not causing a loss of said item to the user. It might be inferred that you are devaluing something by increasing the number of copies (a la greater supply causes a lower demand) but it could

You know, this type of conversation will go down a lot easier when people finally come up with a good term for it. It's not stealing, not even in the technical or legal sense of the word. Most people understand what you 'mean' when you use the word, but that doesn't mean you're using the word correctly.

207 comments in and still no references to Bond villains?

Women's soccer and/or hockey uses essentially the same equipment. I think sticks might be shorter, but they're not of a standard length anyway.

It's amusing that you picked now to respond to a month old thread. Considering that in the last few days Samsung has gone out of it's way to cancel it's relationship with Apple, forcing Apple to get their screens from the soon-to-be-defunct Sharp.