Right? It's like going through puberty all over again sometimes lol. The worst part!!! is that if men had periods instead of us, they would know every single detail of their friends' flows. But us dainty ladies can't talk about this stuff, and when we do we still often try to keep it not-so-gross.
Jelly blob trail! LOL!
But Bob's Burgers is the superior-est!!! Tina is a mess, but so is everyone, and it's always handled in an endearing way.
lol! A possible explanation might be that she has dementia? Sometimes they get violent or verbally inappropriate but can't help it/don't know what they're doing. Personally I'd probably yell right back in the heat of the moment, but then feel bad afterward lol.
oh my gawd lady. you're killin me! NOM NOM NOM.
I want to come to the next party you throw.
hahaha. Cover the top half with your hand and see if he still likes it outside the context of her normally badass face and "don't give a fuck" aura. I implore you to not sew your skirts and pants together!!! :)
It really is the best way! I used to employ this method when I worked as a cashier at Target, and it was so fulfilling to watch the idiot customers seethe with increasing hatred whenever I whipped out the artificially flavored honey. It really leaves them unable to respond.
Tangentially related, but I've noticed that the majority of posters/ads that get defaced on the subway feature women. I'm not talking about the "tagging" that happens on pretty much every surface in public, but more about the crude drawings / "uglification" doodles. Those Seinfeld posters alone that were up…
Okay. Wait just right there.
Ahh congratulations!! You guys are doin it right :)
That's adorable and realistic and completely lovely. And a really nice change from most of my friends, who are really into all the grandeur of it. You should've seen their faces when I remarked one day that I might prefer a rough diamond (cheaper and much more unique). "WHAT!? IT HAS TO COST THREE MONTHS OF HIS…
I like it! I realized recently that I'd much rather be proposed to in bed than anywhere else. So comfy and intimate :)
That's a patented Jezebel loooove connection
I think part of it might be how, no matter how warm and fuzzy people try to be when they're setting you up, it always will sound like "We pity you. Let us help." Even if you aren't necessarily yearning for some loving and are confident in that choice, it can still sting when you get that vibe. So if she's been trying…