
You shouldn’t be wearing your hat indoors most of the time (again, some public areas are okay). For example, places where hats are always off-limits include homes, schools, restaurants, cafes, churches, theaters, and some businesses (especially if you’re there for business). But even if you are in an area where hats

This is literally the worst idea ever.

I guess you could, but, given the option, wouldn’t using a 20 oz bottle make more sense? It would be spill-proof, which also means you can easily toss it in the trunk so you aren’t travelling with an open container in the cab, making your trip genuinely legal instead of just ‘looking completely innocent.’

Fair enough.

I’d also like to add to my previous comment that there’s a huge difference between “Apple Might Break the Automatic Em Dash” and “Apple Might Require One More Keystroke for an Automatic Em Dash”  

That’s arguable, but I did say “don’t care that much” (as opposed to “don’t know” or “don’t care at all”) because I’m specifically referring to the group of people that are aware there’s a difference but will take their best guess instead of making an effort to confirm they’re using the right one.

Good. And I’d love to see the desktop versions follow suit.

They’re also excellent at pointing out when a “hack” is either inefficient or ineffective or sometimes even just difficult to execute properly.

First, the man in the picture is in a car full of empty seats. Who cares how he sits?

including the best Star Trek movie of all time, Star Trek (2009).

including the best Star Trek movie of all time, Star Trek (2009).

Okay, I really need to clarify this because I have people constantly replying to me about the housing market...

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Whether you agree with what he’s saying or not, reducing his quote to a sound bite about “avocado toast” and then mocking it is misrepresenting the original statement and missing the point about people having continual patterns of irresponsible spending. He was not talking about the purchase of a single item twice a

Unfortunately, this feature led to me missing the delightful changes in the opening to (nearly) every episode of A Series of Unfortunate Events on first viewing.

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“Weird Al” preemptively warned them that he doesn’t want to hear it if they suffered for leaving the comma out.

get three people to join

To be fair, the article is about how to “Get to bed earlier”, not how to “Fall asleep faster,” and the article reinforces that context quite a bit before getting to the tip.

Habitica also aims to be your to-do list, and it doesn’t have the same flexibility for building habits that aren’t daily routines

Or that the study was about something more interesting and complex, and the reporters grabbed on to the footnote that made for a funny headline, then proceeded to take the headline completely seriously and treat it as the entire point of the study.

It’s not quite as convenient, but the selection is *huge* compared to streaming. Also the DVDs have special features usually not available on streaming. And, for various reasons, some people just prefer local media over streaming.

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Maybe their detectors are just overstimulated to the point that it’s hard to tell the difference anymore...