StarTropics has always been one of my favorites. Great graphics, music, writing, humor, and gameplay. The final bosses can feel terrifying (especially playing as a kid). It’s a shame the series died out after only two games.
StarTropics has always been one of my favorites. Great graphics, music, writing, humor, and gameplay. The final bosses can feel terrifying (especially playing as a kid). It’s a shame the series died out after only two games.
You already said it, but my first thought when I saw the title was Google Reader.
So what’s the difference between this and a casual “Hey, want to come over for dinner?” Or is there one?
Cool, now hum the theme from Ant-Man. No?
I imagine this works well when using milk for fluffier scrambled eggs.
I think “trusted” is the key part here, although I don’t know what criteria they use for a “trusted” network.
To clarify, I usually end up with the right amount of pancakes, but somehow I always have a surplus of tears, and I never quite know what to do with them.
“Public Domain Full Movies has been terminated because we received multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement regarding material the user posted.”
Some won’t even bother with a segue. I’ve known quite a few people who’ll unapologetically cut you off in mid-sentence to start a completely different topic.
Seems awesome for the first year, but what about long-term? I’m not really seeing any benefits over my Chase Freedom (1% plus rotating 5%) or Chase Amazon (1-3% on all purchases) cards, neither of which have an annual fee.
Seems awesome for the first year, but what about long-term? I’m not really seeing any benefits over my Chase Freedom…
Way ahead of you. Just put my phone in the microwave for a few hours.
And, frankly, if they have your unlocked phone they’re already in your Google account without even needing your password. (Assuming Android in this case.)
Just remember that this is still the second factor... They’d still need your password as well.
I will consider your reply confirmation that the meeting is set. If none of these times work, then call me or text me on my cell (<number>) during one of my upcoming office hours
That said, I tend to only do this for movies that have been out a few weeks. The waiter aspect is barely noticeable to me most of the time... unless it’s a packed house. Seeing Guardians the first time that way was a mistake that required correcting... But at least it gave me an excuse to see Guardians again before it…
They’re generally more handy if just you’re looking for something to do that night and want to get out of the house, or possibly if you’re seeing something the second time and aren’t too worried about missing bits. They’re great when the wife and I make an impulse decision to do dinner and a movie but don’t have four…
Not as much as you might think, and many such places let you order before the show starts and use a silent table-top device to call the waiter when you need service, which minimizes interruptions to the film. Probably would still avoid it for a move that you’re hyper-excited about though.
I look at Rotten Tomatoes as similar to the Siskel & Ebert “Two thumbs up”, “One thumb up”, or “Two thumbs down” system, except with more “thumbs” in play. There’s something beautifully simplistic about just bringing it down to how many critics liked or disliked something, but it is important for people to realize…
Worth mentioning the WHIH promo newscasts, which integrate characters from the movies (Christine Everhart, Ant-Man, Darren Cross, President Ellis) and drop references to the TV series that you won’t likely see in the films (if only in the ticker at the bottom).