You’re not likely to map an unfamiliar restaurant or other business in the areas that you frequent? I imagine that this type of thing combined with out of town trips make up the majority of Maps searches.
You’re not likely to map an unfamiliar restaurant or other business in the areas that you frequent? I imagine that this type of thing combined with out of town trips make up the majority of Maps searches.
Good, informative article, but...
DrSandman has a good point buried under there, even if some of the details are a bit confused.
Yeah... I’m managing over 20,000 photos in Picasa. I don’t intend to stop using it just because it isn’t supported, but long-term I need a suitable replacement.
The Old Republic’s version of the FCC required it after public outcry over a few accidents (and more than a few pranks) resulting from photo-realistic holograms.
Yeah, I don’t mind it. I do draw the line at companies sharing with each other without asking.
If a museum asks for $1 to get in, yes, it’s *possible* to have a friend let you in a side door, but that doesn’t mean that you have the right to do it or that you aren’t being a jerk by doing so, even if you feel that everyone has the right to see the exhibits in that museum. Whether you like it or even if you can…
Would be more ironic if so many of the ads weren’t for other “free” ad-supported games and video channels.
So... How much do I have to pay to get rid of the video ads that have been covering up all of the Gawker network pages for the last few days?
I’m right with you on that, but the debate over ad companies tracking your interests is another huge can of worms.
I had a lot of doubts as well, but it managed to result in massive fundraising that directly led to advances in ALS treatments, so it seems to have worked pretty well in the end.
Well, looks like I’m going to die...
The people who are really in trouble are the ones who used their LastPass master password as their password on other sites.
Especially important for those of us who have moved to snowy areas and were not previously accustomed to snow.
Only problem is I suspect most editors don’t remove mild profanity these days.
I don’t mind ads as long as they don’t impair the usability of a site.
If you have a hard time reading social cues, you can ask your partner, “are we done talking? I want to check Facebook, but didn’t want to interrupt you.”
Why can’t you freeze coffee?
The new Mario 5 is expected to debut as the pack-in for the Project Reality machine in ‘95
This may be obvious to some, but what’s the cover picture here showing?