(blue) enchanted duck

@Skydog: Inexcusable? I don't understand how old photography tech is important/relevant in 99% of people's lives today. How can you expect people to know "traditional" photography techniques if they will never use them in their lives?

How about we make a sequel to generals instead of remaking the old, great storylines of red alert and the GDI/NOD. That way the story doesn't have anything to live up to and you can focus on balancing a game for once.

Wow thats not creative at all. I'm canceling my pre-order.

@PossibleCabbage: Hey, its not so bad. Now that Lebron is gone, our economy has grown exponentially with the sale of generic "lebron sucks" shirts.

I never thought about it, but the 3 button idea is a good one. Even though the person being executed is probably an all around bad person, it would still be hard knowing you killed someone.

lets all be honest with ourselves, the slave 1 couch is awesome.

@Whooped.D.Dew: i just bought one a few weeks ago knowing about the rumored upgraded HDD, but i really dont think i will use an extra 40 gigs....

@blehbleh13: Its people like you that makes america look like a country full of ignorant fools.

lense flare almost always makes a picture look like you made a mistake.

This looks fun, but I'm sure the pre-teens screaming and the "cool" MLG people will kill the game instantly. It never had a chance...

@SEX_BISON: MP5K is just a smaller version of the MP5. Im assuming you mean the AK-74u, not the AK-47u. In that case, the AK-74u shoots a smaller, higher velocity round closer to the size of an M16 round, as opposed to the larger, slower round in the Ak-47.

10, 14, 16, 19. 17 is iffy.

@GLaDOS: this was a triumph

I bought this when i got my snes from toysrus when i was around 6.I freaked out when you drove the snow speeder in 3-D!!!! they dont make games like they used to....

@iamspoo: Hours?? Man its too late for you. They've already found you out. I dont even take off my hat to shower. I dont want the mmaaaaaannnnnnnnnn to get in my head man

@Yossarian: I guess no one wants to RUN WITH THE DEVIL and buy a game from activision. There are just so many guitar hero's i guess people CAN'T GET THIS STUFF NO MORE.

@froggy: i agree. the threaded system worked just fine.

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