Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

“Mehhhhhhhhhhhh, you used the colloquial understanding of a phrase rather than what it literally means.”

Forget it, he’s rolling.

My rule is, if you have to open a door to get to it, you ask first.

It’s a shame that one can’t hold to opinions that others disagree with without being castigated for it.

Pretty sure Gruden is eventually going to go plaid.

Thanks for this. I was just about to stop scrolling and post the same thing.

Hey, I like guns as much as the next guy but that was like a Penthouse Letter from the NRA. 

Out of respect, all local Taco Bells have ordered their flags to be flown at half más

I got a packet of Ailsa Craig seeds from a local heirloom vegetable group’s seed exchange a few years ago and I love them. Best bit is that because they are an heirloom variety and not and F1 hybrid, you can save the seeds from your own plants too.

That is simply the nature of all historical record. Do you, for example, accept that Alexander the Great existed? Because you certainly cannot pull a book physically contemporary of him and read it. You can find copies of writings of near contemporaries and you can find extensive oral history of him popping up all

To each his own, but color me fascinated. Does this mean you only jack it in the bathroom? And, always while standing up? Do you have to squat and push your junk downwards so you don’t glaze the tank?

So, like James Dean but not nearly as famous? Ok. 

A CBA negotiated in good faith by both parties that sets up a fair structured workplace means that you can in fact be friends with your boss. Yet another reason Unions are great.

You’re right... but a lot of stone fruits have split and cracked pits, and using a large pile of cracked pits might approach a badness threshold. Or might not; or it could all be an old wives’ tale. That’s why I cited the poison control center.

Funny story: traveling in Turkey, I was served apricot pits as a snack.

Came here to cringe at the expected Walton bashing and found nothing but Walton love.

II grew up in San Diego in the Mission Hills neighborhood. At some point when Walton Was with Clippers in SD he moved in next-door to my parents. I was the same ages Luke Walton, and my younger brother was the same age as his younger brother who I think was named Adam and nickname “Tuffy”. He was a super humble dude,

I’m combining guesswork(I have been shaving my own head for a looong time) with how often a few friends of mine go. They keep their shit tight, no way they’re going once every three months or so. Let’s find a middle ground and go with once a month.

nah but he’d stumble into class and slide across the room a bit and we’d cheer.

Now playing

This is peak suburban non-lethal wildlife Florida.

He’s wearing two versions in the photos.