Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

GooGoo Clusters!

Based on these choices, someone needs to introduce Kate and Marnie to GooGoo Clusters. Roasted peanuts, caramel, and marshmallow nougat covered in milk chocolate. They also make a version where pecans replace the peanuts and one where peanut butter replaces the nougat. They’re most common in the southeast (based in

Nah, you’re good.

Also if he can be this guy consistently we are going to win a title in the next 3.

He is also so clutch, who else hits every shot they need to every time and has for what I feel like has been their whole career.

Portland State University (yes, that’s a real school)

My question was: why is it odd for you to call a salad that is technically composed of fruits a “fruit salad”? You did not answer it. The answer is that those things aren’t commonly thought of as fruits, so to describe them as fruits outside of the biological science context is a poor use of language. Just like

You’re welcome.

A hot dog may technically fit the definition of a sandwich, but I can think of no circumstance in which it is useful to refer to a hot dog as a sandwich. I agree with bojangles point about the proper function of language in society. The purpose of language is to clearly convey ideas. Calling hot dog a sandwich fails

What I’m saying is that if someone said to me, “I could really go for a sandwich. Do you have stuff to make sandwiches?” they would be surprised if I said, “Yes, I have hot dogs and hot dog rolls.”

Seems like a depressing way to live. Some of us aren’t politics 24/7.

It’s pretty fascinating (and terrifying) how the right has slowly crept from hating on virtue-signalling self-righteousness to just hating on simple virtue-having righteousness.

I get it. It absolutely needs to be extra-strength to accommodate all of the ice and the sugar is really the star of the show. I just think there is a better way to accomplish the strong tea aspect than over-steeping, which brings out flavors that, to my palate, make it taste significantly worse.

I’ve had two of DuClaw’s offerings and they’ve both been sub-par (one outright gross). Is this any different?

You can get a decent looseleaf ceylon tea for pretty cheap. I find Ceylon works great for iced tea, since its flavors are relatively mellow and not bitter. (Bitterness is much more noticeable when tea is drunk cold vs. hot.) You could also get a ceylon-darjeeling blend, like this one (

I guess the mountain of sugar would counteract the bitterness you get from such over-steeping to some extent, but this is generally terrible advice. The sort of teabags one uses for iced tea aren’t expensive. Just use ~3x the number you would use for a regular cup of tea and steep for the normal amount of time. That

Hence the immortal Beastie Boys line, “I chill at White Castle ‘cause it’s the best, but I’m fly at Fatburger when I’m way out west.”

I’m probably not going to finish someone’s half-eaten hamburger they’ve been slobbering all over, but short ribs they’ve been eating with a fork and knife? Hell yeah, as long as they’re not sick.

I don’t want to eat the last morsel off the plate you’ve been eating off of; no one does.

Truly, whom among us has managed to avoid such a scene at some point or another in our own lives?