Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

From what I heard Schnatter‘s crime was quoting someone else’s use of the N-word as an example of bad behavior

He voluntarily gave up control when he decided to make Papa John’s a publicly traded company so that he could make way more money. When his racism became toxic to that publicly traded company’s image (read: profits), the board ousted him in service of the shareholders. Live by the sword, die by the sword, so to speak.

Because those teams don’t play a boring-ass, low-possession style that is particularly susceptible to upsets. (Not saying UVA under Bennett hasn’t been very good, just that their style is no fun to watch and leaves them vulnerable to losing to far inferior teams.)

will they/won’t they leave?, the new owners, the new stadium, the terrible trades

I’d hardly call “they’re fine, not good, but fine” a grand pronouncement. Many thought the Kings would be embarrassingly bad and they clearly aren’t. Regardless of their ultimate record, their young players (Fox and Cauley-Stein especially) are showing dramatic improvement and outperforming expectations, which is

But that’s not a counter to the article, is it? That’s exactly the type of thing he’s saying everyone should be going for. (Not that I necessarily agree.)

They were growing weed in there.

Curry? I’m pretty sure he’s on the Warriors.

Prices were steep to be sure. I mostly drank from the bottle of barrel-proof Buffalo Trace that I picked up (quite cheaply) in the duty-free shop. But I really enjoyed the Einstock when we ate out. 

I’ve been wary of this technique ever since my (admittedly quite inebriated) friend gashed the shit out of his palm when he mistakenly rested the bottom of the bottle’s lip, instead of the cap, on the counter’s edge. If there’s a counter around, I can always find a spoon/fork/knife that will do the trick.

Additionally, my elementary school had to discontinue the Halloween parade, which was in the fucking school during school hours, mind you, because 2 years in a row a non-custodial parent in a contentious divorce kidnapped their own kid from the event. 2 separate families, 2 separate divorces. This was 20 years ago.

I thought Gull was pretty bad, but all of the offerings from Einstock, which were widely available, were quite good.

I mean, he was, but in a mocking way. The “L” hand is kind of UofL’s thing.

Even a bleeding head wound, thanks to a collision with Bulls center Damian Jones in the third quarter, couldn’t break the rhythm.

Write this to a poster above, but I’ll repeat myself here. I’ve not looked into the research myself, but my brother is an MD and he found the evidence of acupuncture’s efficacy to be strong enough that he got himself certified to perform it and says that he sees significant results, especially for neck/back pain. The

I’ve not looked into the research myself, but my brother is an MD and he found the evidence of acupuncture’s efficacy to be strong enough that he got himself certified to perform it and says that he sees significant results, especially for neck/back pain. The evidence is strong enough that almost all insurance covers

I disagree. Most (American) yoga teachers these days treat yoga as simply a different form of physical exercise, but a complete* yoga practice involves far more than that. Speaking from personal experience, a yoga practice that incorporates the breathing, meditative, and reflective components has far greater

He puts “bomb” in quotation marks. Motherfucker.

It’s a midwestern thing. There’s is no rationing/portioning; you eat until you no longer can.