Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

That’s really interesting. I was not aware of that.

Crimini! You really summed up the morel of this tale.

They made Parcells wait. He got in, but he waited.

That one’s the best. He’s also the Round Mound of Touchdown and J-Load (his career apex coincided with that of Jennifer Lopez). Lorenzen probably has the all-time highest nickname quality to football success ratio.

The double tap was undoubtedly the most inventive, but he just didn’t get it cleanly. If he had been able to put a little more mustard on the finish to punctuate the very difficult first part, I think he would have won. As is, it just didn’t look all that cool, even though I acknowledge it was awesome.

1%? I’m sure Chris would be THRILLED if he was making 1% of Aldridge or Horford’s pay (~$200-260K). Unfortunatley for him and the other Deadspin bloggers (except for that GLORY BOY Magary), I’m betting it’s more like 1/3 of 1%.

Your proposed solution won’t solve all problems, everywhere, so obviously, it’s not worth pursuing.

Ha. I originally ended my post with “Because you can’t.” It felt a little too dickish and like I was trying to shut down any debate, so I took it out. But, yeah.

You’ll never guess these 10 reasons why people think you’re uninformed on most issues. Number 6 will make you gag . . . click to find out.

The slope is not nearly as slippery as you make it out to be, my friend. We had an assault weapons ban in place for many years and nobody tried to transform that into a campaign to take away everyone’s hunting rifles. Why don’t you just address the reasonable restrictions that are actually being proposed instead of

Don’t have time to read the whole thread, so apologies if I’m repeating. The one point I wanted to make, and I think it’s an important one, is that it is not the crazy gun owners who drive the NRA’s policies. It is the gun manufacturers. they want it to be as easy as possible to get any sort of gun they want to sell.

I’d be interested to hear what you consider a successful team building strategy. I hear you saying that they messed up by getting to many good players that are going to be deserving of max contracts. That is pretty counter-intuitive from my point of view.

Hell, the vaunted “process” in Philadelphia is going to earn them a #8 seed, and quick playoff elimination.

This (or something like it) is a good idea and would address what the league sees as the real potential problem: teams engaging in a multi-year tanking “process” a la Philly under Hinkie.

Why would the Pelicans compete to make that 8th playoff spot to get throttled by the Warriors, when they could instead tank and hope for the lottery?

The Hawks actually have a pretty good shot to get the 32nd pick, that is, the 2nd pick in the 2nd round. They’d also have the 2nd pick in the 1st round in that scenario. (Which is just a kind of jerk-y way to say that there are only 30 teams in the NBA, not 32, as your comment suggested. I agree with your comment

He had articles written about him in snowboarding magazines when he was literally seven years old.

Or a praying mantis. Or that antlers are not horns. Of her many talents, wildlife biology is not one.

He’s kind of an asshole (see the Bill Kennedy stuff, numerous stories from his time at UK, etc.). He’s also extremely intelligent and does a lot of really great community work and doesn’t seek any attention for it. Complex dude.

Wait, so you’re saying that an athlete has a particular physical characteristic that gives her an edge over her competition? That all people are not equally physically endowed with the qualities that would help them succeed in particular sports? That’s fucked up, man.