Young, Dumb, And Full of Raisins

Trying to nonchalasually pass off real-sounding fake words like “delusively” is very eceptive of you.

You’re exactly right. I was trying to head off the stupid “but men and women aren’t equal, women have boob and babies, duh!” arguments that often get thrown around in response to the term “gender equality.” Your comment rightly points out that I did so inarticulately and that I inadvertently reinforced the needless

Please explain to me your definition of feminist. Because, according to my definition, which I believe is the most widely accepted, a feminist is someone who believes in gender equality.* What, exactly, is wrong with men who believe in gender equality?

On the bright side, it serves very well as an indicator for comments/commenters that can be completely ignored and require no response.

Cleveland Layabouts?

Once again, you’re out here doing the lord’s work. The pile of straw men and red herrings at your feet is truly impressive.

Eh, not really. Gambling interests trying to influence games by bribing players is illegal and against NCAA rules now and there is no reason it would not remain so if players were allowed to profit from outside sources. What deterrents to this type of behavior exist now that would not exist if a booster was allowed

Thank you for this. These “competitive balance arguments” are maddening. I understand, though I don’t necessarily agree with, the arguments against having schools directly pay players. There is, however, no valid argument against allowing players to profit from outside sources that does not rely completely on

And the spoils of those things went almost exclusively to white men. The 1950s (really the post-WWII period up to the rise of neoliberalism in the 70s) was indeed a great time (economically) to be a white man.

Glad to see that you understand the joke behind the post.

No Trump call. No Trump call. You’re the Trump call!

I saw this same use of the expression in another DS article, though I can’t remember if it was the same author. They use it to mean a game in which both teams would be eliminated if they lost, i.e., a game that you know at the outset will be the final game of a series. I’d never heard it used in that way and it is

You are severely underrating Green’s playmaking abilities. He’s not Lebron (who is? Magic, maybe?), but he does far more than “see the guy left wide open every play.” He attacks off the dribble and often makes the pass that will get the next guy open. Ultimately, though, it’s not any one of his skills that makes him

Thankfully, I have not heard that one.

I mean, I liked My Name Is Earl as much as the next guy, but that is serious devotion.

One hour, but good story anyways.

Don’t speak too soon, good doctor. Stephen A Smith is still out there, haunting the depths of idiocy like that mythical white whale.

This is what Lakers fans have been reduced to, huh? Taking pleasure in the foibles of the fucking Clippers, whom you now consider your rivals? My, how the mighty have fallen.

I feel like this is the grammar tic that I’ve noticed the most this year: incorrect ordering of the statements surrounding “let alone” and “much less.” It happens so often that I had double check to make sure my understanding of the phraseology was correct. 

By all accounts, he is a pretty great guy and by far the most progressive commissioner in pro sports. The shaved bald head and serious visage do give him a bit of a villian look, though.