
Plenty of plastic surgery gives us the Gwen of today.

Amazing how different she looks after all the modifications. I prefer her old face.

Oh piss right off. I have actually been told tonight that having makeup sex after a big argument would make someone feel like they were being raped. I’ve been told that getting angry and yelling and possibly tossing the remote control onto the sofa is abuse.

Oh my. Promise us some more 2000+ word essays on navel gazing! Promise Jezzie won’t cut that pork fat! :)

I don’t think anyone is saying that (at least not on this bankrupt site). I think people are saying that there are a lot of odd twists and turns that make it difficult to be fully supportive of one side or the other and basically that there is some really questionable shit going down.

Yes, well, your link ends all discussion? And anyone who doesn’t agree is ‘angry’. I’m surprised you didn’t whip out ‘troll’ in order to not discuss what I am saying.

Yeah, ok. Yelling at someone when pissed off is assault. Gotcha. Go live in a world where everyone speaks in well-modulated tones and never raises their voice in anger. And then start bitching about the passive aggression you’re dealing with.

We’re all different and what turns us on is super individual. I do remember having some major blowouts that ended with some of the best sex of my life. But that’s just me. Sometimes a clearing of the air is a prelude to hot sex. Sometimes not. But don’t judge. This is Jezzie and we ladies are not to be judged, right?

Actually, his bodyguards have alleged that they’ve had to pull her off him during disputes. Whether that is true or not is anyone’s guess.

Sorry, can’t see what you’re replying to. What ‘is’ abuse?

Didn’t you hear? She’s not pressing charges because she ‘doesn’t want to bury him’. After weeks of leaks to TMZ, People, and various other gutter press. Give me a break. Something isn’t right in the water here.

It’s not mean to question what you’re saying and to point out that I think some of what you’re saying is ridiculous.

Really? A full on knock down drag out fight that goes on forever because you just can’t agree and then you both finally calm down and get down to it seems rapey? You have seriously got to be kidding me. That is so beyond ridiculous that I have to assume you’re joking.

Yeah, ok. I wish we all could go through life being perfect and never making a wrong step. Get over yourself. Life has a funny way of making you surprise yourself, particularly when you’re under enormous pressure. None of us are perfect, nor are we infallible. WE mess up and we take our lumps and I really dislike that

You make really good points and as I’ve said, I’m just staying on the sidelines, watching it play out. There is so much that makes me blink multiple times on both stories and I really don’t know what to think. I do dislike, though, that when her DV arrest came to light people went nuts and said, ‘But her partner says

Sure, I get that and I was once in a similar situation and lost my shit in front of my kids and threw stuff. I talked to them and explained that sometimes people are pushed so far that they cannot hold it in anymore and deal with things inappropriately. That my kids would say, all these years later, that they still

Given the myriad stories of abuse of child actors I would not be surprised if his experiences led to his current crazy.

Eh, I don’t know. When you lose your shit and start yelling I just cannot agree that it’s abusive. We all lose our shit at one time or another and are probably a bit sheepish afterwards (and hopefully having hot makeup sex) but the idea that yelling is blanket abuse unless we can parse it a certain way is kind of

I remember the Woody Allen thing coming out and was horrified, because when one read the court records it leaned toward he was inappropriate at best. At worst he was a child molester. And yes, I like the term molester because it’s frank and to the point and brooks no questions.

Oh come on. Are we saying that if two people get in a shouting match and are angry this is an abusive situation? And that we must all be in complete control of ourselves, never raising our voices above a well-modulated and respectful tone? What world do you live in? People get pissed. They shout. Sometimes they throw