
Better then a giant penis coming our way!

The B2 was the first plane that I am aware of that had the whole program cost from start to finish (end), including fuel prices over 30 years, divided into the total amount of planes. 1 Billion was the result of that contrivance.

Black on black on black, whats that all about?

There you go! Good boy! This whole thing has had a contrived quality about it from the beginning. Now, with actual people not living in an office (in the internet), protesting it almost seems real. Yesterday net neutrality, today this thing, oh the internet folks have truly fallen in love with themselves. Its just a

When you were a kid no one really understood how a reconnaissance system could be turned into one that also carries weapons. A fighter plane costs a lot, a reconnaissance system with a missile less so.

This is just what I was asking myself, how big is a cruise missile? I ask this because if you know some of the stats, like it can go over 1500 miles it raises questions. With that one fact you have to assume that either, the engine is insanely efficient or its massively big. I thought that the Global Hawk was less

I have always seen black and white as perfectly suited to represent things in a symbolic way. Simple things are more symbolic then real in B/W. Color on the other hand seems to me as an attempt to represent the real. The more newsy pics are much more powerful in color, which is odd because several of them are so

A film picture of anything is the films color of the subject. A digital image is the color that the digital chip and processor gives you. What ever the media we are always dealing with a color representation not the actual color. If you know what I mean.

It caught fire while at a NYC dock and the fire dept poured so much water on it the thing capsized!

Lets say we did screw this thing up. We should only admit to it if the Russians admit to stealing every technology they every had to build their space program and fighter planes. Fair is fair.

Did the USA sink this ship with a drone?

In a way, this is kind of why photography works so well. In my experience my memory's are snip its not full on movies. Little moments, incidental sounds and images that have no meaning on their own. So much of this is all forgotten but often enough, you suddenly remember some little thing that comes from nowhere, and,

Curtain Walls 8, I don't know, it doesn't seem right...

Man and machine baby, we can to ANYTHING!

The act of flying is a metaphor for having sex, and everyone hates all the crap that goes along with it. We all want to fly more often.

I like my weapons pretty, Boeing's got something going there...

The first part had me convinced that I was watching the HAL 9000 do a search for where to go after things didn't work out so well in this solar system. The search was for areas of space that had no life, kind of an interesting twist. It seemed to be having trouble with that one.

Answer; Google sucks...

Obviously the iPad 6 is beyond the void and unknowable by you, yes?

Man against nature, its the best fight we got!