
I never noticed 301, I rarely go to youtube, guess that's why. I have noticed that music videos seem to get the vast majority of views, seems kind of boring.

I think the last shot should be the first shot.

If I had the money to buy a Gulf stream I would rather buy one of these. I would paint it a crazy color pattern like the Calder BMW and deck out the interior like a major Bond bad guy. Maybe start a business similar to the prop planes that drag poser/flags behind them. But this biz would dive bomb promo stuff for Red

Silicone toilet paper next? Have a special filter that catches it and cleans with every flush, so its an endless supply from just one roll!

The mounting which the pod is mounted on seems to have a window, I wonder if this is to assist in the aiming of the thing? It could be what looks like a window is where the gun shoots from but above it, between the pod and the mount seems to be a barrel. So, maybe the pod is where the bullets are and the mount is the

I don't know what the range of such a gun is but, stealth does not make the plane invisible to radar down to 1000 feet. If your shooting bullets from a fighter plane, your probably too close to your enemy to make stealth relevant.

They have said that they went with rockets over airbags because of the size of the rover. I don't question their solution, I question the need for one massive program all hinged on one rover. The alternative is to use the money from the one big rover and create many smaller ones. It has been many years since we sent

Thanks Bill, I'm not all the surprised at not having a response, I kind of wrote it for the record. OMG a pun! I see the readership of Giz as being righteously moving to whats next. Its a river of people and ideas who's highest value is whats next, even if they don't know whats next. To ramble on about the physical is

This whole method frustrates me no end. Rockets to the surface adds so much room for error, the past method of air bags was great, the rocket method is sexy but much higher risk. I vote for science over sexy.

Yup, your right, makes me look dumb.

Away from the Spotify issue, I am amazed how people have not put their finger on a central issue that would change everything, or should I say has changed everything. When I was buying music, or listening to music, I would buy big LPs, EPs and singles, in vinyl. When you did that you had a real object in your hands.

If facebook goes to shit, and the CEO is dumped he will get massive amounts of money. Most people here would say, but of course, he crated a thing that everyone like, once upon a time. But these guys at RIM should get little?

She should be banned! Her reviews are horrible! I saw a few and was dieing for a like or good or don't like or bad, NOTHING!

No, there was a movie poster artists strike, and the studios thought, the hell with it, we don't need to advertise!

I understand that using a retina display on one of these laptops is like staring at the sun during a full eclipse, you will lose your eye sight. Retina is BAD!

This is an extremely worthwhile display of just what can be done with the phone ios. I have been wondering if I could do something on the iPhone and iPad that would be similar to this and if using the gyro is how I would do it, the answer is, yes and yes. When Apple does one of these little things its a message to

I wonder if Mr. Pogue will choose to hit his wife in the face with an iMac or a Mac Pro?

Whats a meter?

Surely you are talking about Elon Musk!

My secret is to slather myself in sunscreen and get real close to my grill while cooking. Works every time.