blpppt (Pat D.)

I agree. I really want him to step down.

Yes, exactly right.

Headlines tomorrow:

I’m in the grays because Kinja sucks.

If you think people don’t “want to address” the electoral college, you’re not paying attention.

Plus, America already voted for a woman. Hillary Clinton won the popular vote by 3 million votes. Unfortunately we still use the electoral college.

When are some Republican senators and celebrities going to admit that Trump is a bat-shit crazy, sociopathic congenital liar who tried to overthrow an election, AND is 78 years-old?

You don’t understand my line of thinking, let me explain it for you.

I’m going to vote against Trump regardless of what happens, but Biden absolutely needs to step aside.

If anything, that would make him a bit more objective. He has personal experience with both Biden and other Democratic politicians, and unlike those politicians he can freely speak his mind. And it’s not like he’s saying something outrageous here.

People used to think America would never vote for a black guy.

Man finds himself in trolley problem, decides that no one is owed his hand on the lever.

i agree with Clooney. and anyone who discounts him b/c he’s rich, famous, doesn’t live in the US, whatever, is not addressing what Clooney (& several other people, incl other big Dem donors & many Dem politicians) are actually saying. that kind “what do we care what he thinks?” petulance is not an argument or even a

Meanwhile Clooney will be on Colbert explaining, like Sarandon, how little power and influence he has.

Anybody who believes that the Democrats aren’t actively trying to lose this election is an ignorant moron.

That’s certainly a take.  Not, like, a good one, but it is one!

I won’t vote at all if these two are the choices

He’ll live comfortably in his giant estate in Hawaii and be 100% protected from all consequences because the climate ones will just become a margin error blip in his AC budget and the rest won’t really affect him, that’s what.

Boy, I had quite a laugh when the GOP was tearing itself apart trying to get a House Speaker to pass their BS loyalty test, but this...this is far more embarrassing. At this point, I don’t really care whether he drops out or not; I just want them to shut up about it.

“If there’s not a candidate I like, all of you can burn in a fascist hell for all I care because I don’t.”