blpppt (Pat D.)

The thing that gets me about this is that the inherent linear power delivery advantage of an EV should allow most manufacturers to get away with LESS hp/torque in the same ICE model—it would likely feel peppier.

Its an interesting thought, but there is virtually no chance Trump wins the popular vote, and if by some crazy coincidence he actually did, Biden would lose the EC in pretty much every scenario. By a historic trouncing.

Its amazing, we’re still locking these people up and the guy who incited it is in line to retake the White House.

It was already putting out more than 315hp to begin with. I wonder if there is any difference at the wheels at all?

I’m sure this has been answered before, but why haven’t EV manufacturers like Tesla NOT put 800hp EVs out and concentrate on offering extreme range instead of power?

I’m starting to get the feeling that Ketamine Boy knew the CT wasn’t ready for launch, but given his “fuck it” attitude lately, he just threw it out there anyways.

“They call him FLIPPER! FLIPPER!” -- Al Bundy

I’ve always wanted to drive one at least once. Every damned person I’ve seen who drove one was gushing over it, lol.

Supposedly they ride like cement trucks, stock. Not sure if that can be mitigated in the aftermarket, but I wouldn’t want to live with that kind of ride.

Reminds me a bit of Xena kicking Jerkules’ ass on twitter over his continuous stream of B.S.

We deserved a Jonah spinoff. Or maybe a Dan spinoff where he is forced to serve Jonah on another run for the White House.

Come on. I’d buy that if it wasn’t for something so obviously destined for failure.

One thing that actually bothers me about that episode—-in the early years, Elaine is said to have a very high IQ, so unless being around Jerry, George, and Kramer somehow dumped her IQ like 40+ points, how on earth would she think putting out an “Urban Sombrero” at all, never mind putting it on the COVER, would work?

I think Jerry is still broken up over how Michael Richards has been basically ostracized from society, but what he did would have gotten him “cancelled” during Seinfeld’s run, so it makes no sense.

I’d take Selena in a second over a sequel to Trump.

He’s a Trumper, so fuck him. Sorry.

Elon almost seems to WANT to sent Tesla into the gutter right now. I’m not sure his brain is functioning properly anymore.

HA! This comment deserves all the stars.

Say what you will about Saturn, but the Sky was freaking beautiful.

“The ladies, Jack, the ladies.” -- Dan Stark