
Goose Gossage: (has aneurysm)

Cutting up the team jerseys is some stone cold Desperate Housewives gangster shit.

They’ve got a death lineup. Possession dies with Melo. Possession dies with Rose. Noah’s knee dies. Porzingis’ career dies. Fans are dead inside. Lot of death all around.

He probably should avoid talking about breaking anything down.

womp womp

And yet, the NFL still thinks weed is worse than domestic violence

That’s weird, the Cowboys don’t usually choke until the divisional round.

Click. Bait.

One Tequila,

Underrated comment is underrated.

Funny, my wife asked for much the same thing.

I’m 38 and I give myself hand jobs nearly every day.

Well, for Lebron, he might be defending Cleveland’s title on a travel team, anyway, after what the Trumpening does to the C.

Whitlock is a geriatric Caucasian?

Well, thank god they got that off their chests. You know they’ll all head to the bahamas for two months while the issues in the urban cities just continues to get worse. I’m sure it helps their conscience, though.

And the wait continues for the Browns to have an eligible receiver run a successful post.