
It’s not.

Cunts are marvelous. This guy’s just a jackass.

You’re a cunt.

You forgot “gluten free”, “man-splaining”, and “woke”, preventing you the buzzword bingo.

Can you guys cool it for a couple days on all of the political articles?

Is it like destroying evidence and being investigated by the FBI twice. Wanna take the 5th? You’ll fit right in!

Not legal. He just refused to report the cancelling of debt and hoped he wouldn’t be audited. That’s like you stealing a car and hoping the police don’t catch you.

So, again, he used a tax strategy that is (was) legal. To pay less taxes.

It’s actually somewhat surprising Gawker staffers are scolding people for evading taxes, given Nick Denton’s offshore funds

He’s gonna win MVP

You know what’s real ironclad fuckery? The quarterback on that play was Jim Harbaugh. Davis never played again, of course, and retired in 1995. In 2009, Davis joined the 49ers as a receivers coach under Mike Singletary. He was fired two years later by...Jim Harbaugh.

The good thing is they aren’t stuck with this failing business model for an entire season, they can choose a new one everyday!

OK just stop right there. I will have none of your bringing logic into this discussion about my good invisible friend Jesus.

If Jesus is real and capable of preventing criminals from killing you, why did he let them rob you?

As someone who has to request police records in Washington Stare quite often, this sounded like BS as soon as the league said, “We asked and they said no.” Sure, there’s limited exemptions to public records laws, but I can’t think of a scenario (aside from juvenile records) where a report would never be available. At

My neighbor hood has 8 4-way intersections and 8 T intersections with a total of 24 stop signs. So basically there are ZERO fucks given.

Yeah regardless of how it turns out dude went from one of the most revered figures in his prime (he was my moms favorite player for god sakes) to, at best, a dude who gets a blow job after seeing his buddy already have sex with the girl then go back to run a train on her. Like are they that desperate that they have to

This site has done a great job profiling the problem in society with victim-shaming etc and that certain institutions and psychological dynamics make it difficult for victims (read: women) to come forward in situations of sexual and assault and rape. That said, the coverage of this case on Deadspin has made it seem

I don’t give a shit if his uncle is God.

Fuck off, lib.